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Friday, March 28, 2025

Salandy honoured at WBA 88th Convention



?De­ceased fe­male box­ing cham­pi­on Jiselle Sa­landy of T&T was hon­ored by World Box­ing As­so­ci­a­tion (WBA) when In­ter­na­tion­al box­ing of­fi­cials and del­e­gates from around the world gath­ered last week at the 88th An­nu­al World Box­ing As­so­ci­a­tion In­ter­na­tion­al Con­ven­tion held in Medellin, Co­lum­bia.

At the Open­ing Cer­e­mo­ny and Awards Din­ner, Sa­landy, who died in Jan­u­ary in a ve­hic­u­lar ac­ci­dent was hailed at the Dann Carl­ton Ho­tel, along with sev­er­al fall­en box­ing leg­ends, were ho­n­oured by WBA Pres­i­dent Gilber­to Men­doza. In­ter­na­tion­al Pro­mot­ers and box­ing cham­pi­ons from Eu­rope, Asia and the US, in­clud­ing Pro­mot­er Don King, box­ing leg­end Rober­to Du­ran, and guest Columbian foot­ball star Car­los Val­dara­ma came to wit­ness pre­sen­ta­tions of the Su­per-Cham­pi­on belts to Pana­man­ian box­er Ce­lesti­no Ca­ballero and Ar­men­ian Suzie Ken­tekian.

Ken­tikian be­came the first woman to be in­au­gu­rat­ed with a Su­per-Cham­pi­on belt fol­low­ing her eleven ti­tle de­fens­es in two and-a-half years, and holds the ho­n­our that fu­ture Su­per-Cham­pi­ons belt for women is called the Susie Ken­tikian Belt. T&T's Shiv­ana In­als­ingh, who dis­cussed gen­der spe­cif­ic health and safe­ty is­sues of fe­male box­ers at the WBA Med­ical Sem­i­nar, was con­grat­u­lat­ed by WBA Pres­i­dent Men­doza and ap­point­ed to the new­ly formed World Box­ing As­so­ci­a­tion Med­ical Ad­vi­so­ry Fe­male Box­ing Com­mit­tee along­side George Mar­tinez, WBA Fe­male Box­ing Com­mit­tee Chair­man and Dr Miri­am Gon­za­lez of Pana­ma. In­als­ingh, a clin­i­cal in­te­gra­tive re­flex­ol­o­gist by pro­fes­sion, has su­per­vised sev­er­al fe­male box­ing cards in­clud­ing cham­pi­onship de­fens­es by the late Sa­landy dis­cussed the use of breast pro­tec­tion, the is­sues of fe­male box­ers with breast im­plants and the fe­male ath­lete tri­ad in fe­male box­ers.

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