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Saturday, March 15, 2025

W Connection's Pierre on trial with Stoke City



St Lu­cian na­tion­al Zaine Pierre, one of W Con­nec­tion's youngest se­nior team play­ers, left on Wednes­day head­ed for Gatwick In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port en route to Stoke City where he hopes to im­press and se­cure a per­ma­nent dream move to the Pre­mier­ship League. The 17-year-old star­let was of­fered a ten-day tri­al by the Eng­lish Pre­mier­ship team on the heels of fel­low team-mate Shah­don Win­ches­ter's tri­al to Celtics of the Scot­tish Pre­mier League. Stoke City is al­so home to for­mer W Con­nec­tion play­er Ken­wyne Jones, who made the move from Sun­der­land less than two months ago.

Zaine was re­cruit­ed in Jan­u­ary dur­ing the 2010 pre-sea­son pe­ri­od by W Con­nec­tion's Tech­ni­cal Di­rec­tor, and fel­low coun­try­man coach Stu­art Charles Fevri­er. He has rep­re­sent­ed St Lu­cia both na­tion­al­ly and re­gion­al­ly at the youth lev­el and has been a pro­lif­ic strik­er for his Al­ma Mater, Vieux Fort Com­pre­hen­sive, in the Sec­ondary School's League where he took home both the Most Goals and Most Valu­able Play­er awards three years in a row. Zane has al­so been recog­nised at St Lu­cia's Na­tion­al Awards hav­ing re­ceived the Ju­nior Foot­baller of the Year award in 2009 and 2010.

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