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Monday, February 24, 2025

EBC confirms 34% Local Govt voter turnout



It's of­fi­cial–Mon­day's Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment Elec­tion vot­er turnout was 34.34 per cent

The Elec­tions and Bound­aries Com­mis­sion yes­ter­day con­firmed the fig­ure among of­fi­cial re­sults for the elec­tion.

The rul­ing Peo­ple's Na­tion­al Move­ment (PNM) won sev­en cor­po­ra­tions and the Op­po­si­tion Unit­ed Na­tion­al Con­gress (UNC), six. They tied for the San­gre Grande cor­po­ra­tion 4-4.

The EBC's vot­er turnout fig­ure cor­rob­o­rat­ed a 34 per cent fig­ure which Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley, dur­ing Thurs­day's post-Cab­i­net press brief­ing, said the PNM had in­for­ma­tion on. He'd de­nounced un­con­firmed, pre­lim­i­nary es­ti­mat­ed fig­ures as he gave the fig­ure the PNM had ac­quired.

Mon­day's elec­torate, ac­cord­ing to the re­vised EBC list, was 1,054,817. To­tal votes cast were 362,254 and the valid votes were 361,169. There were 1,085 re­ject­ed bal­lots.

Of­fi­cial re­sults showed the rul­ing PNM re­ceived 174,754 votes and the Op­po­si­tion UNC won a to­tal of 180,758.

Six oth­er par­ties which al­so con­test­ed, as well as four In­de­pen­dents, gained to­tals un­der 1,900.

The Con­gress of the Peo­ple (COP) won 1,893 votes in the nine seats con­test­ed in San Fer­nan­do, Siparia, San Juan/Laven­tille and Tu­na­puna/Pi­ar­co.

The Move­ment for So­cial Jus­tice (MSJ), which con­test­ed 11 seats in Point Fortin, Ari­ma and Tu­na­puna/Pi­ar­co, won 790 votes.

The In­de­pen­dent Lib­er­al Par­ty, which con­test­ed sev­en seats in Ch­agua­nas alone, won 343 votes.

The new Na­tion­al Sol­i­dar­i­ty As­sem­bly (NSA) won 804 votes in Cou­va/Tabaquite/Tal­paro and San­gre Grande where it con­test­ed.

The Na­tion­al De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty re­ceived 244 where it con­test­ed three ar­eas in Port-of-Spain alone.

The In­de­pen­dent De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty (IDP), which con­test­ed in Siparia alone, re­ceived 602 votes.

Four In­de­pen­dent can­di­dates re­ceived a to­tal of 1,071 votes con­test­ing ar­eas in PoS, San Juan/Laven­tille and Siparia.

High­est turnout in Ma­yaro

High­est vot­er turnouts were in UNC ar­eas, topped by Ma­yaro (49.82 per cent), Ch­agua­nas (40.54 per cent), Princes Town (41.55 per cent), Siparia (41.82 per cent), Pe­nal/Debe (40.43 per cent) and Cou­va/Tabaquite/Tal­paro (37.67 per cent).

Low­est vot­er turnout in a UNC-won area was Cou­va/Tabaquite/Tal­paro. How­ev­er, the UNC's largest num­ber of votes–38,410–came from that cor­po­ra­tion area.

The low­est turnout was in PNM-held Diego Mar­tin (21.80 per cent), Port-of-Spain (22.78 per cent) and San Juan/Laven­tille (24.64 per cent).

Turnout in oth­er PNM ar­eas was Ari­ma (31.87 per cent), Point Fortin (34.91 per cent), San Fer­nan­do (36.27 per cent), and Tu­na­puna (32.66 per cent).

The turnout in tied San­gre Grande was 37.69 per cent. There, the PNM re­ceived 10,582 votes and the UNC 10,408. The on­ly oth­er con­tes­tant–the NSA–polled 359 votes.

An­oth­er close fight was in Siparia, where the PNM polled 14,105 votes and the UNC won with 14,934. The IDP, which con­test­ed there alone, re­ceived 602 votes while the COP got 55 and In­de­pen­dent can­di­dates, 139 votes.

The PNM's Siparia co-or­di­na­tors were Joan Yuille-Williams and chair­man Franklin Khan.

The PNM's high­est num­ber of votes came from Tu­na­puna/Pi­ar­co (32,776) and San Juan/Laven­tille (22,074). Tu­na­puna co-or­di­na­tor was Ude­cott chair­man Noel Gar­cia while the San Juan co-or­di­na­tor was An­tho­ny Roberts.

The PNM's low­est to­tal votes were from Point Fortin (4,588) and Ma­yaro/Rio Claro (5,897).

Apart from the UNC's high­est num­ber of votes in Cou­va/Tabaquite/Tal­paro (38,410), the UNC's sec­ond high­est was in Pe­nal/Debe (24,310).

The high­est num­ber of votes won by the oth­er par­ties were COP (1,328 in Tu­na­puna), MSJ (402, Point Fortin) and NSA (373, Cou­va).


?ARI­MA: PNM (6,585), UNC (2,308).

CH­AGUA­NAS: PNM (9,811), UNC (16,862)

POINT FORTIN: PNM (4,588), UNC (854).

PORT-OF-SPAIN: PNM (7,413), UNC( 719).

SAN FER­NAN­DO: PNM (10,543), UNC (5,429).

COU­VA/TABAQUITE/TAL­PARO: PNM (16,427), UNC (38,410).

DIEGO MAR­TIN: PNM (15,782), UNC (3,323).


UNC (8,655).

PE­NAL-DEBE: PNM (6,436), UNC (24,310).

PRINCES TOWN: PNM (11,735), UNC (21,819).

SAN JUAN/LAVEN­TILLE: PNM (22,074), UNC (10,171)

SAN­GRE GRANDE: PNM (10,582), UNC (10,408).

SIPARIA: PNM (14,105), UNC (14,934).

TU­NA­PUNA/PI­AR­CO: PNM (32,776), UNC (22,556)


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