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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Woodford Lodge Club burns down



The his­toric Wood­ford Lodge Recre­ation Club, once used by so­cialites of the de­funct Ca­roni (1975) Lim­it­ed has been de­stroyed in a fire. The in­fer­no broke out short­ly af­ter mid­day in the un­oc­cu­pied build­ing at Ch­agua­nas. Fire­fight­ers used more than 50,000 litres of wa­ter to fight the blaze but were un­able to save the build­ing, marked as his­toric by the the Sug­ar Her­itage Vil­lage of T&T. Po­lice said since the clo­sure of Ca­roni in 2003, the club was aban­doned. Street dwellers fre­quent­ed the build­ing and of­ten cooked on the grounds.

An­tho­ny De Souza, one of the ex-Ca­roni work­ers, said he used to go to the club in the hey days of sug­ar. "I think it is a place of mem­o­ry, a beau­ti­ful an­tique build­ing and the home of the Wood­ford Lodge es­tate. It is a pity it was de­stroyed," De Souza said. Fire­fight­ers es­ti­mat­ed that the struc­ture was val­ued at $80,000. Cur­tis Re­naud, fire sub of­fi­cer of the Ch­agua­nas Fire Sta­tion said be­cause the build­ing was com­prised main­ly of old wood, it be­came en­gulfed quick­ly.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said there was a pos­si­bil­i­ty that one of the street dwellers may have lit a fire near­by, which spread and caused the build­ing to be de­stroyed. Last year, calls were made for the club to be re­stored. In April last year, Ch­agua­nas­based Di­recTV re­fur­bished the Wood­ford Lodge recre­ation­al ground un­der its com­mu­ni­ty out­reach pro­gramme. The fa­cil­i­ty was paint­ed and do­nat­ed seats washed and in­stalled. The project was com­plet­ed in three days be­tween April 9 and 11.

In an un­re­lat­ed in­ci­dent, fire al­so broke out at Caratal Road, Tor­tu­ga. Po­lice said Ra­jku­mar Ram­cha­ran of 28B Caratal Road, Tor­tu­ga was at his home when fire start­ed around 8 pm. Ram­cha­ran and his fam­i­ly man­aged to run to safe­ty but their en­tire house was de­stroyed. Gas­par­il­lo po­lice are con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

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