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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Digicel and Microsoft team up for email solutions



In this tech­no­log­i­cal age, imag­ine your worst fears re­alised–your e-mail ac­count has been hacked! Some­one has been send­ing e-mails from your ac­count! Your con­fi­den­tial in­for­ma­tion has been delet­ed! These are just some of the is­sues that can neg­a­tive­ly im­pact a busi­ness, dam­age a brand and threat­en the cru­cial re­la­tion­ship be­tween cus­tomers and sup­pli­ers.

In light of the in­creas­ing risks as­so­ci­at­ed with e-mail provider re­brand­ing and the enor­mous im­pact of the more re­cent de­ci­sion from Google to dis­con­tin­ue e-mail ser­vices to In­ter­net ser­vice providers (ISP), Dig­i­cel Busi­ness has part­nered with Mi­crosoft to of­fer se­cure e-mail so­lu­tions to busi­ness­es.

Dig­i­cel Busi­ness will of­fer e-mail host­ing ser­vices that are guar­an­teed to com­ply with each busi­ness' se­cu­ri­ty needs and will pro­vide busi­ness con­ti­nu­ity as the plat­form is built fol­low­ing world class en­ter­prise stan­dards.

Cus­tomers who sub­scribe to the Dig­i­cel Busi­ness Fi­bre- Op­tic broad­band pack­age will be of­fered free e-mail host­ing ser­vices, which in­cludes up to 3 email ad­dress­es, 3GB Mail­box, On­line Sup­port, mi­gra­tion As­sis­tant, do­main Ad­min­is­tra­tor, an­ti-Spam/ an­ti-Virus fil­ter, and much more.

In­ter­est­ed or­gan­i­sa­tions can con­tact Dig­i­cel Busi­ness team at ICT­salesleads@dig­i­cel

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