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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Reggae pioneer Shervington in action on Saturday



For those who ap­pre­ci­ate and would love to hear old-school reg­gae and ca­lyp­so, Plu­to & Co (Plu­to Sherv­ing­ton and his full band) will be ap­pear­ing live at La Can­ti­na Pizze­ria on Vic­to­ria Av­enue, Port-of-Spain, on Sat­ur­day, from 8 pm to 2 am.

The group, which in­cludes vin­tage reg­gae and ca­lyp­so in its reper­toire, will be per­form­ing two sets, the first of which will be­gin at 9 pm.

Plu­to Sherv­ing­ton, al­so known as Plu­to, was born Leighton Sherv­ing­ton, on Au­gust 13, 1950, in Kingston, Ja­maica. He is a reg­gae mu­si­cian, singer, en­gi­neer and pro­duc­er who be­gan his ca­reer in the ear­ly 1970s as a mem­ber of the show­band To­mor­row's Chil­dren.

In­spired by the suc­cess of Ernie Smith's Dup­py or a Gun­man and Tin­ga Stew­art's Play de Mu­sic, both de­liv­ered in heavy pa­tois, he record­ed Ram Goat Liv­er in a sim­i­lar style. His fol­low-up sin­gle–Dat–about a Rasta­far­i­an try­ing to buy pork (with­out nam­ing it aloud), con­trary to his faith, so that he could af­ford mar­i­jua­na–achieved con­sid­er­able chart suc­cess in­ter­na­tion­al­ly in 1976, reach­ing the num­ber six spot in the UK Sin­gles Chart. Tro­jan Records cap­i­talised on this suc­cess by reis­su­ing his first sin­gle, which peaked just out­side the top 40 in the UK.

Tick­ets for the event, cost­ing $350 each, in­clude a com­pli­men­ta­ry cock­tail on en­try. They are avail­able at La Can­ti­na. In ad­di­tion, free park­ing for pa­trons will be avail­able on the com­pound of Tran­quil­li­ty school, lo­cat­ed op­po­site La Can­ti­na.

Sherv­ing­ton moved to Mi­a­mi, Flori­da, in the ear­ly 1980s. He con­tin­ued to record, and reached the UK top 20 again when Your Ho­n­our, orig­i­nal­ly record­ed in 1975 but nev­er pre­vi­ous­ly re­leased, was re-is­sued in ear­ly 1982 to­geth­er with a new record­ing–No Ho­n­our Among Tiefs. Sherv­ing­ton of­ten per­forms live in Mi­a­mi, and pe­ri­od­i­cal­ly re­turns to his home­land for per­for­mances.

Since 2007, he plays so­lo at Ba­hama Breeze in Kendall, Flori­da, and every oth­er Sun­day at Black Point Ma­ri­na in Cut­ler Bay with a five piece band. Plu­to ap­peared at the St Kitts Mu­sic Fes­ti­val in June 2007, shar­ing the bill with Steel Pulse and Sean Paul, among oth­ers.

In ad­di­tion to his work as a singer, Sherv­ing­ton has gained a rep­u­ta­tion as a tal­ent­ed bass gui­tarist, and record­ing en­gi­neer, no­tably en­gi­neer­ing Lit­tle Roy's 1974 al­bum, Ta­fari Earth Up­ris­ing.

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