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Friday, March 28, 2025

Ames named for Canadian Hall of Fame



T&T born Cana­di­an vet­er­an golfer Stephen Ames was re­cent­ly unan­i­mous­ly named for in­duc­tion in­to the Cana­di­an Golf Hall of Fame.

The 49-year-old, who has opt­ed to re­main ac­tive in the sport, be­came the 74th per­son to be in­clud­ed in Cana­da's of­fi­cial golf­ing elite. The cer­e­mo­ny of Ames' in­duc­tion is ex­pect­ed to take place in Cal­gary in Au­gust, dur­ing the Shaw Char­i­ty Clas­sic, a Cham­pi­ons Tour event that Ames is a found­ing pa­tron of.

Speak­ing on his feat the 2004 Cha­co­nia (gold) re­cip­i­ent said the news was some­what sur­pris­ing but an ho­n­our nonethe­less."It's a great ho­n­our, for sure, with­out a doubt. (How­ev­er) Usu­al­ly you think hall of famers are in­duct­ed when they're fin­ished play­ing. I still see my­self as a play­er right now."

Ames said he in­tends on com­pet­ing in both the PGA and Cham­pi­ons Tour this year.

Ames, a na­tive of San Fer­nan­do, be­gan his pro­fes­sion­al ca­reer in 1987 af­ter at­tend­ing Lynn Uni­ver­si­ty. He has 11 ca­reer wins, four of which have come on the PGA tour, and has re­port­ed­ly earned over US$19.5 mil­lion.

His first tour win came in Ju­ly, 2004, at the Cialis West­ern Open, while his last was at the 2009 Chil­dren's Mir­a­cle Net­work Clas­sic, in a play­off with Amer­i­cans Justin Leonard and George Mc­Neill.

Ames has al­so won the the Eu­ro­pean and Na­tion­wide Tours as well as three skins events, in­clud­ing the 2005 Telus World Skins Game in Whistler, BC, when he fin­ished ahead of Jack Nick­laus, John Daly and Vi­jay Singh.

In 2006, Ames record­ed a ca­reer mile­stone when he cap­tured the Play­ers Cham­pi­onship by six strokes over Retief Goosen. It earned him US$1.44 mil­lion, and at the time moved him in­to 27th spot on the of­fi­cial world golf rank­ings. He de­scribed that win as his biggest ever on a golf course.

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