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Monday, March 24, 2025

Narine: It's up to the WICB



Sunil Nar­ine couldn't have been more can­did, while speak­ing to The Tele­graph around 3.30 am on Mon­day, in the midst of check­ing-out at the ITC Gar­de­nia Ho­tel.Nar­ine, caught up in a row with the West In­dies Crick­et Board (WICB) over his avail­abil­i­ty for the up­com­ing Test se­ries against New Zealand, lat­er took a British Air­ways flight for Lon­don, en route to Port-of-Spain."I had a job to do at the Kolkata Knight Rid­ers and I love play­ing for the West In­dies... Af­ter a night's stay in Lon­don, I'll be home on Tues­day (yes­ter­day).

"It's up to the WICB, if they wish to re­con­sid­er their po­si­tion... I'll be at home," Nar­ine, again one of the su­per­men for the Knight Rid­ers, added. Nar­ine had to re­port at a prepara­to­ry camp, in Bar­ba­dos, by Sun­day. The dead­line co­in­cid­ed with the IPL VII fi­nal. As the camp end­ed yes­ter­day, Nar­ine is not go­ing to Bar­ba­dos.The three-Test se­ries is still al­most a week away.

Re­flect­ing on the Knight Rid­ers sec­ond suc­cess in the IPL (in three years), Nar­ine said: "It's un­be­liev­able... I don't think it has sunk in as yet." As Nar­ine was leav­ing, cap­tain Gau­tam Gamb­hir came to wish "a safe jour­ney home." Per­haps, Gamb­hir could have pre­sent­ed a bou­quet as well to his No1 bowler. Right through, af­ter all, he'd been bril­liant.

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