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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Bovell pleased with opening splash



Olympic and World Short Course Cham­pi­onships bronze medal swim­mer, George Bovell is pleased with his start to the 2013 sea­son.

The 29-year-old T&T swim­mer splashed off his sea­son with vic­to­ry in the TYR Jax50 freestyle at the Bolles School Vi­ble Pool, San Jose Boule­vard, Jack­sonville, Flori­da, on Sat­ur­day.

He beat Olympic Games sil­ver medal­list Amer­i­can Cullen Jones in the fi­nal, in 19.20 sec­onds, just shy of his meet record of 19.6 joint­ly-held by Auburn Uni­ver­si­ty's Adam Brown.

Com­ment­ing on his win, Bovell said he was very pleased. "It was im­por­tant in this style of com­pe­ti­tion to be fast enough to make it through the rounds but still re­tain enough en­er­gy to go for the win.

He added, "My time of 19.20 was fast, and I am en­cour­aged by the fact that I was able to post this time de­spite mak­ing as many mis­takes as I did.

"Usu­al­ly I can re­ly on my dive to gain an ad­van­tage. This com­pe­ti­tion was not as much about the time as it was great prac­tice to be fac­ing some of the best in the world."

Bovell went in­to the meet de­spite the lack of train­ing fa­cil­i­ties which forced him to im­pro­vise in his train­ing meth­ods.

He ex­plained: "I had some big chal­lenges over the past few days. The pools I was train­ing in were both closed, forc­ing me to re­sort to oth­er types of train­ing and I even­tu­al­ly had to find a place over­seas where I could con­tin­ue my prepa­ra­tions."

To­mor­row, Bovell flies to Ugan­da for one week to join oth­er Olympic medal­ists from Africa in a cam­paign to raise aware­ness against Malar­ia.

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