Governments around the world and in T&T can generate greater productivity and efficient services in the economy by more online services, said Eduardo N��ez Parodi, head of Microsoft's strategy for Latin American and Caribbean markets.
"E-government is a way to get the government closer to citizens to provide more transparency, to provide a more efficient service. It impacts on growth domestic product (GDP). Most governments exist because of elections and so it helps their image, too," he told the Business Guardian.
N��ez said government bureaucracy results in wasted time and resources.
"To get a service from the Government, you usually have to go to an agency, make a line, wait several hours and then you get the service. Sometimes you have to go to several agencies. It is a long process. Those are manhours wasted for the country," he said.
He said some governments are more efficient than others in providing online services.
"Of course, there are governments that are more advanced than others. In the United States, I do a lot of things online, so I do not have to go to a government office. In general, a more efficient process within the government is a problem for many countries around the world. This is where the concept of e-government comes in," he said.
N��ez spoke to the Business Guardian last Friday at Microsoft's Office, Mucurapo Road, St James.