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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Bittersweet World Cup memories



Yes­ter­day was the draw for World Cup 2014 in Brazil, and for me heart-break­ing mem­o­ries were evoked be­cause this week sees the 40th an­niver­sary of one of the most dis­grace­ful events in World Cup his­to­ry.I re­fer, of course to the Haiti vs Trinidad qual­i­fi­er on De­cem­ber 4, 1973. An Amer­i­can golfer who missed a short putt to win an Open cham­pi­onship was asked if he ever thought about it, and replied, "Some­times I can go for a few hours with­out re­mem­ber­ing it."

And to a cer­tain ex­tent I can em­pathise with him be­cause vic­to­ry over Haiti, and the sub­se­quent wins over Mex­i­co, Guatemala and Nether­land An­tilles would have been life-chang­ing for me and the won­der­ful group of play­ers I had the priv­i­lege of man­ag­ing. I have just been look­ing through a large num­ber of press cut­tings from that fate­ful time and de­spite try­ing very hard to be ob­jec­tive, I can­not for the life of me see how the ref­er­ee could dis­al­low four goals in con­cert with one of his lines­men.

A re­porter in a na­tion­al Sun­day news­pa­per heard about the game and asked me for an in­ter­view which I was on­ly too de­light­ed to give. He came up with the clever head­line "Voodoo we play next?" which clear­ly sug­gest­ed some kind of skul­dug­gery had tak­en place.

I know that when T&T got to the fi­nals in Ger­many in 2006 the is­lands went mad, and the feat was made even bet­ter fol­low­ing the ma­jor dis­ap­point­ments of 1973 and 1989 (when I had the ho­n­our of be­ing in­vit­ed to see the fi­nal qual­i­fi­er against USA). You can imag­ine how I felt when T&T were drawn against Eng­land.

De­spite all of the above I can hon­est­ly say that my time in Trinidad was some of the best in my whole life, and my grown-up chil­dren of­ten rem­i­nisce with me how won­der­ful the ex­pe­ri­ence was for them.Above all I want, through your news­pa­per, to send my best wish­es to all who helped me have such a won­der­ful time in the Caribbean from play­ers, coach­es, of­fi­cials, me­dia per­son­nel and not for­get­ting the very sup­port­ive T&T peo­ple.

Kevin Ver­i­ty,

via e-mail

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