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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Kes the Band launches new single, iTunes App



Kes the Band this week an­nounced the re­lease of their newest sin­gle-Week­end Love Song-off the un­re­leased al­bum-Stereo­type. The high­ly an­tic­i­pat­ed al­bum will be re­leased on June 1 and it fea­tures the sum­mer hit from 2010-Let Me Know, plus Red Light, Lov­ing You (feat Tes­sanne Chin) and Casano­va. The al­bum is a com­bi­na­tion of pop/dance in­fused with so­ca in­spired melodies and beats. The group worked very close­ly with Mad­men Pro­duc­tions on all the mu­sic and is ex­treme­ly ex­cit­ed about this new al­bum which will be its sec­ond com­plete al­bum for 2011.

Last year the Kes pop/dance crossover song-Let Me Know-was picked up by Six Flags to be played through­out all their Amuse­ment Parks in a New Mu­sic seg­ment and al­so by Amer­i­can Air­lines to play on their in-flight pro­grammes. On a re­cent trip to Lon­don, Kees was in­vit­ed to per­form three songs for a live seg­ment on the BBC World chan­nel. The band con­tin­ues to be in­no­v­a­tive and find ways to keep their fans up to date with what they are do­ing and they are ex­cit­ed to re­lease their very first iTunes App.

Fans can go on Itunes and down­load the Kes app that will fea­ture all the lat­est news, tour dates, mu­sic and al­so con­nects fans to all their so­cial net­work­ing sites. Kes the Band has just re­turned from some very suc­cess­ful tours, in­clud­ing sold out shows in Mi­a­mi and NYC, Ja­maica and Cay­man Is­lands.

• The link for this down­load is: http://itunes.ap­

• Com­ing soon is the KES App for the An­droid and Black­ber­ry.

Tour dates for 2011:

• New York, (Memo­r­i­al Week­end, Six Flags in Ju­ly and Labour Day week­end)

• Mi­a­mi

• DC

• Hous­ton

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