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Tuesday, March 18, 2025


The Walcott sisters



The word am­bas­sador could be eas­i­ly per­son­i­fied by two in­tel­li­gent, cre­ative, strong and in­de­pen­dent women. These two in­di­vid­u­als are none oth­er than Hei­di and Gabrielle Wal­cott. The two sis­ters now stand as role mod­els for many youths in our coun­try to­day. They have made re­mark­able ac­com­plish­ments in the fields of mod­el­ling, film, en­tre­pre­neur­ship and per­for­mance. Prid­ing them­selves as Trin­bag­o­ni­ans, they con­tin­ue to strive very hard to place our coun­try on the world map.

Hei­di, now at age 25, has had count­less pho­to shoots done by some of the coun­try's lead­ing pho­tog­ra­phers. These in­clude Kali­fa Damani,Ly­den Thomas and Lau­ra Fer­ri­era. She has al­so made the cov­er of many of our lo­cal mag­a­zines such as Scorch and of course our very own gieMAGAZINE.

This unique in­di­vid­ual has al­so mod­elled for many main stream Car­ni­val bands such as Harts, Tribe and most re­cent­ly Pulse 8 for Car­ni­val 2011. Apart from mod­el­ling this beau­ty takes an in­ter­est in act­ing hav­ing been trained at Trinidad The­atre Work­shop. She al­so makes it her du­ty to give back to so­ci­ety, be­ing a part time non-prof­it vol­un­teer to Trinidad and To­ba­go's Can­cer So­ci­ety. Ad­mit­ted­ly, her sis­ter Gabrielle is more in the lime­light and has been tak­ing on many glob­al chal­lenges. She rep­re­sent­ed Trinidad and To­ba­go in the 58th In­ter­na­tion­al Miss World Pageant in 2008, suc­cess­ful­ly plac­ing as the sec­ond run­ner up. Most re­cent­ly she won the lo­cal leg of the Miss Uni­verse Pageant and will be rep­re­sent­ing our coun­try in Sep­tem­ber for the In­ter­na­tion­al Miss Uni­verse Pageant 2011.

Hei­di and Gabrielle have al­so starred in many mu­sic videos. Hei­di made her ap­pear­ance in Farmer Nap­py's "Bel­ly Dancer" as well as Zig­gy's "Who's that girl". Gabrielle on the oth­er hand has made in­ter­na­tion­al ap­pear­ances on videos for artists such as Robin Thicke, Akon, and LL Cool J. Gabrielle is cur­rent­ly an ad­vo­cate of the Unit­ed Na­tions of Trinidad and To­ba­go. She has raised $100,000 for the Just Be­cause Foun­da­tion, a char­i­ty that is ded­i­cat­ed to cre­at­ing hos­pitable con­di­tions for chil­dren with can­cer. Our rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the In­ter­na­tion­al Miss Uni­verse Pageant 2011 is al­so an ac­com­plished busi­ness own­er of Spoilt Fash­ion Bou­tique in Trinci­ty Mall.

These are by far some ex­ten­sive ac­com­plish­ments for these ex­tra­or­di­nary, young women who are just in their mid twen­ties. The de­f­i­n­i­tion of am­bi­tion and self mo­ti­va­tion comes to life when you think about their life ex­pe­ri­ences, chal­lenges and goals. How­ev­er, prob­a­bly the fea­ture that is most cel­e­brat­ed of these re­fined women, is their strik­ing beau­ty. Both Hei­di and Gabrielle have been de­scribed as flaw­less, nat­ur­al and stun­ning. It's very sad that I may have to burst many bub­bles for the many boys who read the gieMAGAZINE but both girls, ac­cord­ing to on­line sources are in com­mit­ted re­la­tion­ships. The Wal­cott sis­ters have been rep­re­sent­ing Trinidad and To­ba­go lo­cal­ly, re­gion­al­ly and in­ter­na­tion­al­ly. With­out a doubt, I have every be­lief that Gabrielle Wal­cott, with the en­cour­ag­ing sup­port of her sis­ter Hei­di, will be bring­ing the Miss Uni­verse crown home. Best of luck to both girls!

Sha­had Ali

Se­nior Press Pass Cor­re­spon­dent

Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies





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