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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Archdeacon dies at 101



Stephen Ken­neth Cum­ber­batch, Archdea­con Emer­i­tus and the longest serv­ing priest in the An­gli­can Dio­cese of Trinidad and To­ba­go, has died at age 101. Or­dained to the priest­hood in An­tigua near­ly 69 years ago on June 29, 1942, Archdea­con Cum­ber­batch served in An­tigua, Be­lize and sev­er­al parish­es in Trinidad and To­ba­go un­til his re­tire­ment in 1979. His ap­point­ment as Archdea­con came in 1969 at age 60.

In 1994, the then Bish­op Rawle Douglin ac­cord­ed him the ti­tle of archdea­con Emer­i­tus in recog­ni­tion of his ded­i­cat­ed and long ser­vice to the dio­cese.The for­mer stu­dent of Queen's Roy­al Col­lege who trained for the priest­hood at Co­dring­ton The­o­log­i­cal Col­lege, Bar­ba­dos, and his wife Sybil, are par­ents of Jonathan, David and Chris­tine. The fu­ner­al ser­vice for the late Archdea­con Cum­ber­batch takes place at 11 am on Fri­day at All Saints An­gli­can Church, Mar­li Street, New­town.

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