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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Bovell to resume backstroke events



T&T swim­mer, George Bovell III is tar­get­ing the Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean Games (CAC) slat­ed for Puer­to Ri­co in Ju­ly for a re­turn to swim­ming back­stroke and but­ter­fly events. A bronze medal win­ner in the men's 200 me­tres in­di­vid­ual medal at the Athens Greece Olympic Games in 2004, Bovell III was forced to quit the in­di­vid­ual med­ley, but­ter­fly and back­stroke events lat­er that year af­ter tear­ing a pos­te­ri­or cru­ci­ate lig­a­ment in the left knee fol­lowed by a right shoul­der in­jury some months lat­er.

Be­cause of the in­juries, Bovell en­dured dif­fi­cul­ty and much pain in turn­ing at the wall dur­ing events and made the de­ci­sion to stop com­pet­ing in those races. He de­cid­ed to fo­cus on the 50 me­tres and 100 me­tres freestyle sprints. In his first in­ter­na­tion­al meet for T&T af­ter the in­jury, the 2006 CAC Games in Carte­ge­na, Colom­bia, Bovell swam to a gold (50 me­tres freestyle) and dou­ble bronze medals, (100m freestyle & 200m freestyle) to sig­nal his ar­rival as a force among sprint­ers. How­ev­er, four years on, the 26-year-old Bovell feels ready to re­vert to some of his pre­vi­ous strokes, but on­ly for the CAC Games.

Bovell said he had been swim­ming the back­stroke and but­ter­fly for a some time now, but his fo­cus had been on the freestyle sprints. "At the same time I'm al­so think­ing along the lines of the games in Puer­to Ri­co and I will be do­ing a lot more events there," he said. "At the CAC Games, there is more fo­cus on medals won as a coun­try and while nor­mal­ly I swim the 50 me­tres and 100 me­tres freestyle at this year's event I will be en­ter­ing the 50 me­tres and 100 me­tres back­stroke as well as the 50 me­tres but­ter­fly."

He said: "The depth of the fields in those events are not all that strong and I'm very con­fi­dent I will be able to medal and help T&T's medal tal­ly over­all." The top T&T swim­mer and a dou­ble Pan Amer­i­cans Games gold and sil­ver medal win­ner, Bovell III added: "The lev­el of the CAC com­pe­ti­tion will al­low me to di­ver­si­fy my ef­forts a lit­tle more and I'm look­ing for­ward to it."

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