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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Soca artiste shot dead at home



Hours af­ter pop­u­lar so­ca artiste Blaz­er Dan was killed, his girl­friend said he was "a good man" who met his demise be­cause of bad com­pa­ny. Troy­don Cruick­shank, 31, was shot dead at his home in En­ter­prise, Ch­agua­nas, yes­ter­day by three masked gun­men dressed in mil­i­tary out­fits. At about 10 am, the artiste was re­port­ed­ly talk­ing to three neigh­bours in his yard when the gun­men, said to be armed with ma­chine guns, opened fire.

Cruick­shank, known for hits Be Mine Tonight and Jumpy, was shot sev­er­al times and died at the Ch­agua­nas Health Clin­ic. A neigh­bour who was al­so shot was tak­en to hos­pi­tal where he re­mains ward­ed. In a tele­phone in­ter­view, the artiste's girl­friend, who asked to be iden­ti­fied as "Mrs Cruick­shank", said she be­lieved Blaz­er was killed be­cause of the com­pa­ny he kept. "I was in the yard when he get shoot. I just start­ed to scream. He used to lime with a lot of peo­ple who did stu­pid­ness but he is a good man. He used to help out the boys in the com­mu­ni­ty. His love for his friends have him dead now. He paid for their sins."

The woman, who said she had been in a re­la­tion­ship with the 'Wrong Tim­ing' singer for the past six years, de­nied claims the artiste, who had sev­er­al run-ins with the law, was a gang leader. "He was re­al qui­et. He nev­er went any­where. He was a sim­ple man who used to stay home. He on­ly left the house to go to the stu­dio and per­form," she said. "I'm sor­ry he had to pay for things that his friends did, but jus­tice will be done. We are a spir­i­tu­al fam­i­ly."

The con­tro­ver­sial artiste was charged with the mur­der of his broth­er, Dil­lon Cruick­shank who was killed dur­ing a do­mes­tic dis­pute in 2006. How­ev­er, he was freed of all charges ten months lat­er. In Jan­u­ary, he was ar­rest­ed in con­nec­tion with an at­tempt­ed rob­bery in Cha­gau­nas. Cruick­shank, who ad­mit­ted that his ve­hi­cle was used in the at­tempt­ed rob­bery, was sub­se­quent­ly cleared of any wrong­do­ing in re­la­tion to that of­fence.

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