I write to state that my main intent at the National Consultation on Constitutional Reform on Monday, February 10, at UWI SPEC was to bring philosophical perspective to views that were being expressed on the floor and to strike a blow against unfair discrimination and hateful expressions of any kind.
The tone of our public dialogue at present on the reform of our nation's constitution, the fundamental document that governs how we live together in this society, should be civil, respectful and exemplify our national watchword: tolerance. We must all be able to live together on these islands in harmony after this process. The media also have a critical role to play in achieving this objective and setting a compassionate tone and accurate measure.
In attaching as captions such expressions that I did not use like "gay rights" and "sexual rights" served to create some confusion in the mind of readers and to detract from the main human rights gist of the presentation.
Human rights are entitlements which encompass the full range of human diversity and are based on the inherent human dignity of each and every human being and form the basis of what is called the Bill of Rights as integral to modern liberal constitutions. Constitutions are regarded as fundamental law and place people at the heart of what a nation and its development is all about.
A Bill of Rights recognises the inherent dignity of human beings and the rights and freedoms emerging from that dignity simply by the fact of their being human. It contains entitlements with respect to people and protects people from encroachments from the State and from fellow citizens. In a modern democracy and especially in a multicultural society such as T&T, this provision helps to manage various and oft-time conflicting interests, setting fundamental boundaries and rules of fair play.
In the Bill of Rights as obtains in our Republican Constitution of 1976 there are fundamental inalienable rights set out at Section 4 of which marriage is not regarded as a fundamental inalienable right. The term "fundamental inalienable right" is defined as one which a person has or to which s/he is entitled simply because of their personhood and humanity. Although my overall approach is non-discrimination for persons on the grounds of sexual orientation, this does not obligate the State to same-sex marriage in the future.
In the context of the discussion I also drew on a principle of jurisprudence which ensures that the rights of a minority not suffer the will of the majority. Such a principle for protecting minority rights and the moral perspectives secured by constitutional laws make for sober and responsible judgement on matters affecting those citizens who may suffer the indignity of discrimination.
The context of the discussion that took place at UWI SPEC was a public forum by the Ministry of Legal Affairs National Consultation on Constitutional Reform. I was commenting on chapters two and three which dealt with the "Rewording the Preamble" and "Fundamental Rights and Freedoms" respectively. I commented on four distinct areas, all (of) which I considered critically important.
The first was on the wording under paragraph 37 on the "languaging"/ wording of gender terms; second on the inclusion of the environment; third on the recognition of God, where I supported the idea that recognition of God should be indicated by mention of God's name but also where I specifically defended the rights of atheists who should in no way be disadvantaged or prejudiced by their belief or lack of belief; and finally on part "b" of page 13 which reads "the issue of sexual orientation and human rights should be made the subject of further national discussion and public education."
Since the issue of sexual orientation and human rights seems to have been the focus of keen interest and several public comments, I will concentrate on that issue. The context of my statements was my observations on the part of the constitution called the Bill of Rights/Fundamental Rights and Freedoms by way of the report produced by the reform commission.
Prejudice and discrimination are standard features of situations in which the dignity of the human person is violated. The history of our people is marred by the scars of discrimination and prejudice. In the past and even today, people have been denigrated on the basis of various aspects of their personhood such as creed, race, colour, socio-economic status, culture, class, place of origin, gender, ability and sexual orientation.
My call has been for a decisive and resolute end to any discrimination that denigrates people and an assurance that this be enshrined in our Supreme Law. This call is quite reasonable since we know that people of homosexual orientation have historically been the object of persecution, physical and verbal abuse and widespread discrimination and these are grounds for anti-discrimination measures.
Furthermore if people who suffer prejudice can seek redress from a legally-constituted body like the Equal Opportunity Commission, surely it is only just that the principle of equity be applied to LGBT persons. Members of that community should be entitled to address their grievances before such a body and not be excluded from due process and equality before the law.
What's at stake here are fundamental concepts having to do with human dignity, equality under the law and even the worth of gay lives. In recognition of the common humanity that LGBT persons share with the rest of the citizenry, it is a requirement of justice that our laws provide support for the vulnerable in our society.
This will ensure that LGBT citizens do not perceive themselves to be of less worth than their fellow citizens, do not feel like outcasts or second-class citizens in their own country, and do not see their lives as being "cheap" or preferably expendable as far as the rest of the society is concerned. What message are we sending to the nation when we ignore the aspirations of a minority and allow their fundamental rights to be "the subject of further national discussion?"
The view for protecting people on the basis of sexual orientation or for defending homosexuals against discrimination is totally consistent with the teaching of the RC Church whose teachings do not condone gay sex nor does it conflict with the rights of all religions to teach what they consider to be morally right. On the issue of "gay sex" and "gay marriage" the Church teaches that this practice is unnatural and wrong and that marriage is between a man and a woman.
While the issue of human rights and the exercise of sexuality before the law can be addressed later in a subsequent publication, my argument as expressed above is fully consistent with the idea of gays engaging in platonic brotherly and sisterly love.
It would though be instructive at this point to consider the following principles of religion and statements of compassion made by Church authorities. The first is by an observer of the Vatican to the UN in 2008 on the Declaration of Human Rights, sexual orientation and gender identity: "The Holy See continues to advocate that every sign of unjust discrimination towards homosexual persons should be avoided and urges States to do away with criminal penalties against them."
Last week Archbishop Harris expressed the view that "the fact that someone may have an orientation different to yours does not make them bad, evil or criminal in any sense."
Let me also reaffirm the rule "Thou shalt not kill" in the face of the shocking murders (some of which have been driven by anti-gay bias) in our country. As a Christian it is my duty to go against aspects in our society that may contribute to the disrespect of people and any expression of hate or scapegoating. I do declare that the basic principles of the Bible and of all our religions in this blessed country of ours are love, mercy, beneficence and compassion, not hate.
Finally, Pope Francis recently affirmed this view on two occasions. On the first occasion he said: "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Then in a subsequent interview published in the Jesuit Journal of America, he commented: "A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: 'Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?'
We must always consider the person."
Fr Stephen Geofroy, Phd
Citizen of Trinidad and Tobago