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Friday, March 28, 2025

Finnish trio called up for CFU Cup

...Glenn set to make War­riors de­but



T&T's Fin­land-based trio of Shah­don Win­ches­ter, Ja­mal Gay and Aubrey David have been in­clud­ed in an­oth­er com­pet­i­tive 23-man squad named by na­tion­al se­nior men's team head coach Stephen Hart, yes­ter­day, six days ahead of the CFU Caribbean Cup fi­nals, set to take place in Ja­maica, from Mon­day to No­vem­ber 17.The three play­ers were re­called fol­low­ing their ab­sence from the last round of CFU Caribbean Cup qual­i­fiers (Group Sev­en), which were played from Oc­to­ber 8-12 in T&T. T&T won the four team round-robin with straight vic­to­ries against the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic (6-1), St Lu­cia (2-0) and An­tigua/Bar­bu­da (1-0). De­fend­er Radan­fah Abu Bakr, who al­so missed the Caribbean Cup semi­fi­nal qual­i­fiers, al­so made the cut.

Set to make his de­but is 27-year-old for­ward Jonathan Glenn, who had an ex­cep­tion­al sea­son with his Ice­landic club IBV. Glenn, a for­mer St An­tho­ny's Col­lege stu­dent was vot­ed IBV's Play­er of the Year and re­ceived club's Gold­en Boot Award af­ter scor­ing 12 goals from his club's 28 for the sea­son. Glenn al­so fin­ished as the sec­ond high­est scor­er for the sea­son in the en­tire league, miss­ing out on top spot by just one goal.Ken­wyne Jones has once again been named cap­tain of the team.With an in­crease of play­ers from 20 to 23 from the Caribbean Cup qual­i­fiers to the fi­nals, Hart has al­so been able to make room for a third goal­keep­er, for­mer na­tion­al Un­der-20 play­er Adri­an Fon­cette of Po­lice FC.

Trevin Cae­sar and Shel­don Bateau, both of whom were in the squad for the qual­i­fi­ca­tion round-robin, were left out for Ja­maica.A me­dia re­lease is­sued by the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) yes­ter­day, not­ed that Hart and 16 play­ers en­tered a live-in train­ing camp at the Carl­ton Sa­van­nah Ho­tel, St Ann's, on Mon­day, and said that they will con­tin­ue to en­gage in train­ing ses­sions at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo, this week, ahead of their de­par­ture to Ja­maica.T&T will meet Cu­ra­cao in both teams' first Caribbean Cup fix­ture on Mon­day, then French Guiana on Wednes­day and Cu­ba two days lat­er. Group B, in­cludes the host na­tion, Ja­maica, as well as An­tigua/Bar­bu­da, Haiti and Mar­tinique. Both the fi­nal and the third-place match will be played on No­vem­ber 17th.

The top two teams from each group will qual­i­fy for the 2015 Con­ca­caf Gold Cup. And, for added in­cen­tive, the cham­pi­on team will al­so qual­i­fy for the 2016 Cen­ten­ni­al Co­pa Amer­i­ca, host­ed in the USA, which will fea­ture every South Amer­i­can na­tion as well as Mex­i­co and Cos­ta Ri­ca. "The squad is a bal­anced one with a cou­ple new faces which gives me and the coach­ing staff the chance to have an ex­tra look with the fu­ture in mind and more-so the qual­i­fi­ca­tion for the 2018 World Cup. We had three de­cent match­es in the semi­fi­nals last month in which the team per­formed cred­itably and now these fi­nals presents ad­di­tion­al op­por­tu­ni­ties to see what is avail­able for our gen­er­al play­er pool. These games will al­so give us valu­able ex­pe­ri­ence play­ing away from home in a tour­na­ment for­mat which is good for our prepa­ra­tions for the qual­i­fiers on the road," Hart said, adding: "They missed out on win­ning the last Caribbean Cup in 2012, los­ing in the fi­nal and they be­lieve it's time to go one step bet­ter.

"In say­ing that, I don't think there is go­ing to be un­war­rant­ed pres­sure but of course tak­ing the ti­tle is al­ways one of the aims. But if we can get in some de­cent per­for­mances and se­cure our qual­i­fi­ca­tion for the Gold Cup as well as utilise these match­es and the time to­geth­er as a squad to pre­pare for the fu­ture en­gage­ments then I think in the end it would be a sat­is­fac­to­ry un­der­tak­ing in Ja­maica."

T&T's 23-man squad

Goal­keep­ers: Jan Michael Williams (Cen­tral FC), Mar­vin Phillips (Point Fortin Civic Cen­tre), Adri­an Fon­cette (Po­lice)

De­fend­ers: Radan­fah Abu Bakr (Kruo­ja Pakruo­jis), Justin Hoyte (Mill­wall), Jo­evin Jones (HJK Helsin­ki), Daneil Cyrus (Ha Noi TT), Car­lyle Mitchell (Van­cou­ver White­caps), Aubrey David (FF Jaro), Yohance Mar­shall (Un­at­tached)

Mid­field­ers: Khaleem Hy­land (Rac­ing Genk), An­dre Bou­caud (Da­gen­ham & Red­bridge), Ke­van George (Colum­bus Crew), Ataulla Guer­ra (Cen­tral FC), Le­ston Paul (Cen­tral FC), Ja­mal Gay (Rovaniemen Pal­loseu­ra), Hugh­tun Hec­tor (Hanoi T&T)

For­wards: Lester Pelti­er (Slo­van Bratisla­va), Ken­wyne Jones (Cardiff City), Jonathan Glenn (IBV), Kevin Moli­no (Or­lan­do City), Shah­don Win­ches­ter (FF Jaro), Cordell Cato (San Jose Earth­quakes).

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