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Friday, March 28, 2025

Central FC to face T&TEC in FA semis



Dig­i­cel T&T Pro League duo, Cen­tral FC and T&TEC FC will both be seek­ing to cre­ate some club his­to­ry when they con­test the first of two semi­fi­nals in the T&T Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion FA Tro­phy 2012/2013 com­pe­ti­tion at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um, Cou­va from 6 pm on Wednes­day.

In the oth­er semi­fi­nals to be played on Jan­u­ary 23 at a venue to be an­nounce, Pro League's North East Stars, a for­mer win­ner, will come up against the quar­ter­fi­nal win­ner be­tween ti­tle-hold­er and two-time win­ner Neal & Massy Cale­do­nia AIA ver­sus Stoke­ly Vale, which will now be played on Wednes­day at Ply­mouth Recre­ation Ground, Ply­mouth, from 5 pm.

This af­ter the ini­tial clash be­tween Cale­do­nia and Stoke­ly Vale was called off at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo due to a no show of of­fi­cials.Yes­ter­day at the draw for the semi­fi­nals held at the T&TFF's head of­fice, #6 Ana Street, Wood­brook, Ray­mond Tim Kee, pres­i­dent of the lo­cal fed­er­a­tion apol­o­gised to both Cale­do­nia and Stoke­ly Vale for what tran­spired on Wednes­day and said in the in­ter­est of fair play a de­ci­sion was tak­en to let the To­bag­o­ni­ans host the resched­uled match.

How­ev­er, Tim Kee was quick to note that the T&TFF was cur­rent­ly un­der some fi­nan­cial strain, mean­ing Cale­do­nia will have to bear the cost of the trip to To­ba­go, but will be ful­ly re­im­bursed by the fed­er­a­tion when funds be­come avail­able.

On Wednes­day, at Wood­ford Lodge, Ch­agua­nas, North East Stars re­bound­ed from its first Pro League loss of the sea­son, 1-0 to Cale­do­nia on Sat­ur­day, with a 4-2 penal­ty-kicks vic­to­ry over Cen­tral Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion's Cunu­pia FC fol­low­ing a 1-1 draw.

At the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um, Cou­va, Cen­tral FC was made to fight for a 2-0 win over Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League's Shi­va Boys Hin­du Col­lege while strug­gling T&TEC need­ed kicks from the penal­ty-spot to beat Pt Fortin Civic Cen­tre, win­ners of SFA Su­per League Pre­mier Di­vi­sion and Ex­ec­u­tive Cup 3-1 af­ter a 1-1 draw. The FA fi­nal is card­ed for Fri­day March 1 at a venue to be de­ter­mined.

Wednes­day's T&TFF FA quar­ter­fi­nal re­sults:

Cunu­pia 1 (Bob­bing­ton King 11th) vs North East Stars 1 (Mar­cus Gomez 7th) - Stars won 4-2 on penal­ty-kicks

Cen­tral FC 2 (Ty­rone Charles 78th, Quin­cy Charles 88th) vs Shi­va Boys 0

Pt Fortin CC 1 (Mar­cus Joseph 36th) vs T&TEC (Keeron Ben­i­to 85th pen) - T&TEC won 3-1 on penal­ty-kicks

Re­main­ing quar­ter­fi­nal:

Jan­u­ary 16:

Cale­do­nia AIA vs Stoke­ly Vale, Ply­mouth Recre­ation Ground, 5 pm


Jan­u­ary 16:

Cen­tral FC vs T&TEC FC, Ato Boldon Sta­di­um, Cou­va, 6 pm

Jan­u­ary 23:

North East Stars vs Cale­do­nia/Stoke­ly Vale win­ner, Venue TBA.

Fi­nal: Fri­day March 1

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