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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Walcott heads 29 for World Championships



Reign­ing Olympic men's javelin cham­pi­on Keshorn Wal­cott has been named in a 29-mem­ber team by the Na­tion­al As­so­ci­a­tion of Ath­let­ic Ad­min­is­tra­tions (NAAA) to rep­re­sent T&T at the 14th IAAF World Out­door Cham­pi­onships card­ed for Moscow, Rus­sia from Au­gust 10 to 18.

Wal­cott is one of 16 men se­lect­ed in re­lease is­sued by the NAAA yes­ter­day. He is the lone male field ath­lete on the team, de­spite miss­ing the Na­tion­al Cham­pi­onships at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um on June 21 to 23 due to an an­kle in­jury.

Lon­don Olympic dou­ble bronze medal­list Lalonde Gor­don will be step­ping down to do the men's 200m and will al­so be part of the 4x400m team. Oth­er Lon­don medal­lists Richard Thomp­son (men's 100m/4x100m), Ke­ston Bled­man (men's 100m/4x100m), Em­manuel Cal­en­dar (men's 4x100m), De­on Lendore (men's 400m/4x400m) and Jar­rin Solomon (men's 400/4x400m) are al­so part of the squad.

For­mer World Cham­pi­onships men's 400m bronze medal­list Ren­ny Quow is al­so in­clud­ed for the men's 4x400m with 2010 World Ju­nior Cham­pi­on Je­hue Gor­don list­ed to run the men's 400m hur­dles. Gor­don holds the sec­ond fastest time in the world of 48.00 sec­onds set in win­ning at the Mona­co Di­a­mond League leg on Ju­ly 19.

Lead­ing the women's line up will be reign­ing World Cham­pi­onships 100m bronze medal­list Kel­ly-Ann Bap­tiste. The 26-year-old is cur­rent­ly the top fe­male sprint­er in the world af­ter she sped to na­tion­al record time of 10.83 in win­ning her sev­enth na­tion­al ti­tle. Bap­tiste will con­test the 100m, 200m and will lead the women's 4x100m. Pan Amer­i­can and Com­mon­wealth mul­ti­ple medal­list Cleopa­tra Borel got the nod for her fifth World Cham­pi­onships to con­test the shot put. Olympic fi­nal­ists Se­moy Hack­ett (200m/4x100m), Kai Selvon (100m/200m/4x100m/4x400m), Michelle Lee Ahye (100m/200m/4x100m) and World Cham­pi­onships fi­nal­ist Re­yare Thomas ( 4x100m) are among the 13 women se­lect­ed.

Among those mak­ing their World Cham­pi­onships de­but will be the Carif­ta boys un­der 20 400m cham­pi­on Machel Ce­de­nio. The 17-year-old is part of the men's 4x400m re­lay pool. Fel­low ju­niors Ay­o­delle Taffe (men's 4x100m) and Do­minique Williams (women's 4x400m) have al­so been in­clud­ed. This year's NCAA Di­vi­sion One cham­pi­on Wayne Davis 11 earned his first World Champs se­lec­tion and will be joined by na­tion­al record hold­er Mikel Thomas to con­test the men's 110m hur­dles.

For the first time in his­to­ry at the World Cham­pi­onships/Olympic lev­el Trinidad and To­ba­go will be field­ing four re­lay teams as the women's 4x400m team will make their de­but at the glob­al stage. The quar­tet of Ra­mona Mod­este, Shaw­na Fer­min, Ale­na Brooks, and Sparkle Mc Knight sur­passed the Moscow qual­i­fy­ing mark of 3:33.00 when they com­bined to clock 3:30.64 (na­tion­al record) in win­ning the Cen­tral Amer­i­can and Caribbean (CAC) Se­nior ti­tle in Mex­i­co on Ju­ly 7. The 29-mem­ber team will leave on Ju­ly 25 for a ten day train­ing camp in Fin­land be­fore head­ing over the Rus­sia. The con­tin­gent is set to re­turn to T&T on Au­gust 20.

NAAA Pres­i­dent Ephri­am Ser­rette, along with Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary and North Amer­i­ca, Cen­tral Amer­i­ca and Caribbean (NACAC) Com­mit­tee mem­ber Al­lan Ba­boolal will at­tend the IAAF Con­gress set for Au­gust 4 to 6, just be­fore the start of the Cham­pi­onships. As­sis­tant Sec­re­tary Dex­ter Voisin has been named as man­ag­er for the fifth straight World Cham­pi­onships.



100m-Ke­ston Bled­man (Sim­plex), Richard Thomp­son (Re­birth), Ron­dell So­ril­lo (La Brea)

200m-Lalonde Gor­don (Tigers), Kyle Greaux (Abi­lene Wild­cats)

400m-De­on Lendore (Abi­lene Wild­cats), Jar­rin Solomon (Mem­phis Pi­o­neers)

110m Hur­dles -Mikel Thomas (Re­birth), Wayne Davis 11 (Un­at­tached)

400m Hur­dles-Je­hue Gor­don (Mem­phis Pi­o­neers)

Javelin-Keshorn Wal­cott (Re­birth)

4x100m-Bled­man, Thomp­son, So­ril­lo, Em­manuel Cal­en­dar (Mem­phis Pi­o­neers), Jamol James (Mem­phis Pi­o­neers), Ay­o­delle Taffe (Abi­lene Wild­cats)

4x4000m-Lendore, Solomon, L Gor­don, Ren­ny (Quow (Zenith), Machel Ce­de­nio (Sim­plex)


100m-Kel­ly-Ann Bap­tiste (Zenith), Michelle-Lee Ahye (Re­birth), Kai Selvon (Air Bon Son­ics)

200m-Bap­tiste, Ahye, Selvon, Se­moy Hack­ett (Zenith)

400m hur­dles-Sparkle McK­night (Neon Track­ers)

100m Hur­dles-Alee­sha Bar­ber (Re­birth)

Shot Put-Cleopa­tra Borel (Un­at­tached)

4x100m-Bap­tiste, Ahye, Selvon, Hack­ett, Ka­maria Du­rant (Sim­plex), Re­yare Thomas (Neon Track­ers)

4x400m-Selvon, McK­night, Ale­na Brooks (Mem­phis Pi­o­neers), Shaw­na Fer­min (Mem­phis Pi­o­neers), Do­minique Williams (Neon Track­ers), Ra­mona Mod­este (Neon Track­ers).


Man­ag­er-Dex­ter Voisin

Coach­es-Is­mael Lopez-Mas­tra­pa (Throws), Dr. Ian Hy­po­lite (Sprints/Hur­dles), Gun­ness Per­sad (Sprints-Men's 4x100m), Charles Joseph (Sprints-Men's 4x400m), Ed­win Skin­ner (Sprints-Women's 4x100m), Ger­ard Franklyn (Sprints-Women's 4x400m).

Med­ical-Dr Anil Gopeesingh

Mas­sage Ther­a­pist-Ian Sharpe, Fitzher­bert Al­leyne

Phys­io­ther­a­pist-Dr Verne Al­leyne

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