Schools need to become more of what they were in the past, which was an "institution" rather than an "organisation." The school system in Trinidad as far as I'm concerned has become extremely "one-sighted." The syllabus is set to work with and complement only those who possess academic prowess or potential. What about the slow learners?
I was able to observe all of this throughout my secondary school life. The smart or promising students were praised while the slower students were basically abandoned as they fell behind. What we need is a system by which those students get individual or group care. Don't spoon-feed them but give them the extra push that they need. Also, bring back things like mandatory music classes, not only up until Form 3 but up to Form 5.
A child with a guitar in his hand is less likely to end up doing foolishness in his free time. Have students do art as extracurricular even if they didn't choose to it for CXC. Employ different methods and be creative. Let schools in the community host and make available to the youth art/music/sport workshops. Whether once a day or once a week, it will make a difference.
Teach the children how to cope with the world. How to live. How to love life.
Joshua Brizan
Via e-mail