Residents of Ramdeen Trace, Mafeking Village, Mayaro, fear an outbreak of dengue should the dilapidated conditions of their drains remain unchanged. When the T&T Guardian visited the area yesterday, Hobrajee Boodoo, 55, spokesman for the residents, said the villagers want Minister of Works and Infrastructure Jack Warner to visit the area urgently.
Boodoo said Ramdeen Trace has about 15 households and the drains in the area are clogged and hold stagnant water. She said during periods of heavy rainfall, water runs into the yards of residents and remains as mosquito-infested puddles for days. Boodoo said these pools of stagnant water provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
The residents said they have complained to their local government representatives on the Rio Claro/Mayaro Regional Corporation, but nothing has been done. "In the long run, this would create more problems if it is not fixed. The roads would get damaged and we don't want to see an outbreak of dengue in this area now that the rainy season has started," she said.