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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

T&TCB pays tribute to Pascal Roberts



The Trinidad and To­ba­go Crick­et Board has ex­tend­ed its con­do­lences to the fam­i­ly of for­mer na­tion­al crick­eter Pas­cal Roberts who passed away on Mon­day af­ter ail­ing for some time. Roberts was an out­stand­ing left-arm bowler who was a stal­wart of the Paragon Crick­et Club dur­ing the 1970s when they dom­i­nat­ed lo­cal Cham­pi­onship Grade crick­et along­side Queen's Park, Maple and Har­vard. "Pas­cal Roberts will be re­mem­bered as a true icon of the game in Trinidad and To­ba­go who con­tributed much to the de­vel­op­ment of the club and helped es­tab­lish Trinidad and To­ba­go as a re­gion­al pow­er­house. The crick­et fra­ter­ni­ty has sad­ly lost one of its loy­al ser­vants," said Az­im Bas­sarath, pres­i­dent of the T&T Crick­et Board yes­ter­day.

He was re­mem­bered on Wednes­day by his Paragon team­mate Ron Faria as an ex­treme­ly hard­work­ing crick­eter con­stant­ly try­ing to im­prove his game which saw him start out as a left-arm fast bowler who lat­er de­vel­oped in­to an ef­fec­tive left-arm or­tho­dox spin­ner. "I played with Pas­cal at Paragon for close to 15 years and he could al­ways be re­lied up­on to give 100 per cent al­ways for the club. He formed a dead­ly spin at­tack in tan­dem with Jack Nor­eiga and helped Paragon with Cham­pi­onship ti­tles three years in a row," said Faria. He said Roberts' change of bowl­ing style from fast medi­um to left-arm or­tho­dox re­mind­ed many of Sir Gar­ry Sobers whom he toured un­der with the West In­dies team in Eng­land in 1969. n Fu­ner­al ser­vice is sched­uled for Mon­day at the St James Cre­ma­to­ri­um.

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