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Monday, March 17, 2025

UTT, Yale school of drama to present Smile Orange



The The­atre Work­shops & Men­tor­ship, Tall­man Foun­da­tion and Rain­bow Res­cue have teamed up to cre­ate a link be­tween the Yale School of Dra­ma in Con­necti­cut and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Trinidad and To­ba­go Per­form­ing Arts pro­gramme. The team will present Smile Or­ange, a play that will run at the new­ly-ren­o­vat­ed Lit­tle Carib The­atre from Ju­ly 14 to 24 with a to­tal of ten shows. First gen­er­a­tion Bar­ba­di­an guest-di­rec­tor, Char­lotte Brath­waite, a re­cent grad­u­ate from the Di­rect­ing pro­gramme at the Yale School of Dra­ma in Con­necti­cut, has de­cid­ed to re­turn "home" to the Caribbean to work on a piece that Caribbean peo­ple can re­late to. Brath­waite has worked pro­fes­sion­al­ly in the US, Cana­da, Eu­rope and Asia.

Tim­mia Hearn Feld­man, di­rec­tor in the The­atre Stud­ies pro­gramme at Yale Uni­ver­si­ty spear­head­ed an out­reach pro­gramme with dis­ad­van­taged youth at Judy Wil­son's Rain­bow Res­cue, and Michelle Ay­oung Chee's Tall­man Foun­da­tion from Ju­ly 4 to 9. The pro­gramme worked di­rect­ly with 20-25 young peo­ple, pri­mar­i­ly at-risk young boys, in cre­at­ing the­atre and find­ing their in­di­vid­ual voice and em­pow­er­ing them with tools and tech­niques to cre­ate works of art ex­press­ing the world in which they live and the emo­tions that re­side with­in them. The work­shop in­clud­ed a train­ing and de­vel­op­ment com­po­nent, where the young peo­ple were ex­posed to var­i­ous as­pects of the the­atre by the var­i­ous cre­ative heads-di­rec­tor, det de­sign­er, ac­tors-and were a part of the ac­tu­al be­hind-the-scenes du­ties of the show it­self.

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