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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Central Bank to host all-inclusive fete on Saturday



For the 11th year run­ning the Cen­tral Bank Sports and Cul­tur­al Club is promis­ing an all-in­clu­sive event like no oth­er. Un­der the pa­tron­age of the gov­er­nor of the Cen­tral Bank of Trinidad and To­ba­go, Ewart Williams, the bank's 2011 all-in­clu­sive fete will be held on Sat­ur­day from 5 pm–1 am.

The list of en­ter­tain­ers are De­stra and her band, reign­ing So­ca Chut­ney Monarch-Ravi B, along­side Nisha B and Gre­go­ry of Kar­ma, the brass sec­tion led by Roy Cape cou­pled with his All Star cast of Blaxx, Olatun­ji and Ri­ta Jones, the Al­ter­na­tive Quar­tet, Ben­jai, and lo­cal cul­tur­al leg­end, David Rud­der.

Culi­nary se­lec­tions will in­clude bar­be­cue pig­tail, stewed horse and geera goat, veg­e­tar­i­an dish­es, and dou­bles.

The ul­tra-pre­mi­um bar in­cludes an An­gos­tu­ra pre­mi­um bar, the An­gos­tu­ra Rum Cock­tail bar, an AM­CO wine bar and mar­gari­ta zone, and the Mar­ket­ing and Dis­tri­b­u­tion Ab­so­lut Cock­tail bar fea­tur­ing the Na­tion­al Bar­tend­ing Com­pe­ti­tion's win­ning team and bar­tender of the year 2011 from Mar­ti­ni Mak­ers. In keep­ing with the bank's com­mit­ment to safe­ty and its Avoid the Worst, Put Safe­ty First cam­paign, there will al­so be var­i­ous non-al­co­holic drinks fea­tured in the Sober Zone.

Part pro­ceeds of this ven­ture will go to­wards the Cen­tral Bank's staff char­i­ty pro­gramme-We Care -es­tab­lished by the Cen­tral Bank staff for fam­i­lies, homes and or­gan­i­sa­tions that are in need.

Tick­ets can be ob­tained from the Cen­tral Bank Box Of­fice:

Mon­day–Sat­ur­day from 11 am–5 pm,

and com­mit­tee mem­bers at the fol­low­ing num­bers: 723-3810, 682-6817 and 495-3780.

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