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Friday, March 14, 2025

ASTT’s lat­est ex­hi­bi­tion fo­cus­es on form, tex­ture, space


702 days ago

The Art So­ci­ety of T&T’s (ASTT) lat­est mem­bers’ ex­hi­bi­tion, Min­i­mal­ism, opened on April 4 at ASTT head­quar­ters, St Clair. It is open un­til April 21, Tues­days to Sat­ur­days 12 pm to 6 pm.

The ex­hi­bi­tion fea­tures the works of 53 mem­ber artists with a se­lec­tion of works in wa­ter­colour, acrylic, oil, pen and ink, mixed me­dia, pa­per col­lage, pa­pi­er-mâché re­lief sculp­ture, wood, ter­ra­cot­ta and stoneware ce­ram­ic sculp­ture, pho­tog­ra­phy, dig­i­tal art prints, resin and en­caus­tic with bronze.

Some art­work and artists in­clud­ed:

• Paint­ing (oil, wa­ter­colour and acrylic) by Can­dace Roberts, Re­bec­ca Fer­ri­er, Kei­ba Ja­cob Mot­t­ley, Chris­tine Bas­deo, Jiselle Singh, Vin­dra Dhan­raj, Don­ny Ram­soon­dar, Chan­tal Quam­i­na, Stephen Haynes and Josi­ah Adol­phus.

• Sculp­ture by Vivien Ar­mour, Kevon Gareth Foder­ing­ham and Hu­daa Mo­hammed.

• Pho­tog­ra­phy by Mar­lon Rouse.

• Mixed me­dia by Pat Far­rell Fred­er­ick, Kevin Mc­Mayo and Wal­da George-Wait­he.

Min­i­mal­ism em­ploys sim­plic­i­ty and min­i­mal­ism, fo­cus­ing on form, tex­ture and space. The art­work in this ex­hi­bi­tion strips away any ex­cess and cre­ates a sense of clar­i­ty, pu­ri­ty, and sim­plic­i­ty in art. The art­work re­flects each artist’s style while stay­ing true to the theme. Aes­thet­i­cal­ly, min­i­mal­ist art of­fers a high­ly-pu­ri­fied form of beau­ty.

It can al­so be seen as rep­re­sent­ing such qual­i­ties as truth (be­cause it does not pre­tend to be any­thing oth­er than what it is), or­der, sim­plic­i­ty and har­mo­ny.

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