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Friday, March 28, 2025

Car enthusiasts in a frenzy to see modified vehicles at car show


531 days ago

Sto­ry and pic­tures

Car en­thu­si­asts came out in their num­bers to view some of T&T’s most hyped-up and mod­i­fied cars dur­ing the Southex In­ter­na­tion­al Ex­po Car and Truck Show at the Gulf City Shop­ping Com­plex, La Ro­main, on Sun­day.

Hun­dreds filled the mall’s car park and took pho­tographs of the mod­i­fied ve­hi­cles on dis­play.

Among the many ve­hi­cles that sent spec­ta­tors in­to a fren­zy was a black Nis­san Almera by Sim­plic­i­ty Cre­ations and Aneil’s Au­to. The ve­hi­cle’s front doors opened al­most sim­i­lar to a Lam­borgh­i­ni and was loaded with speak­ers that could match a mu­sic truck on Car­ni­val Tues­day.

An­oth­er ve­hi­cle, a Mer­cedes Sprint­er from Sys­temic Sounds loaded with 68 speak­ers and horns, was al­so a crowd favourite.

Adding some flavour was the pink Pizz Fac­to­ry truck with mod­els.

Oth­er at­trac­tions at the event were a clas­sic gold Chevro­let, a pink Hum­mer from Chef­pro Group of Com­pa­nies, mod­i­fied Mer­cedes and BMWs, a mu­sic truck and mo­tor­cy­cles.

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