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Friday, March 14, 2025

Conducktion Crew wins curry duck cookout


227 days ago
RIGHT: Mukesh Ramsingh, fourth from left, presents  Nolan Rawlins, third from left, and members of the Conducktion Crew with their trophy, the challenge trophy and a $1500 cash award for winning the competition.

RIGHT: Mukesh Ramsingh, fourth from left, presents Nolan Rawlins, third from left, and members of the Conducktion Crew with their trophy, the challenge trophy and a $1500 cash award for winning the competition.

Shastri Boodan

Cur­ry duck was the star of the PNM Pointe-a-Pierre Con­stituen­cy’s Cur­ry Duck Cook­out and Fam­i­ly Day at the Plai­sance Park Recre­ation­al Ground, Clax­ton Bay.

There were nine teams in the cook­out com­pe­ti­tion which got un­der­way from 10 am with judg­ing from 2 pm.

The pan­el of five judges award­ed points for pre­sen­ta­tion, taste and the spir­it of ca­ma­raderie. Tast­ing was done in a sep­a­rate space with cod­ed box­es.

Meat and Greet won the prize for the best tast­ing dish, while the over­all com­pe­ti­tion was won by the Con­duck­tion Crew from Cou­va. Out for Duck and the Caps Old Boys placed sec­ond and third place re­spec­tive­ly.

The main spon­sor of the event, Mukesh Ram­s­ingh of the Metro Ho­tel, do­nat­ed the chal­lenge tro­phy and oth­er prizes.

Ram­s­ingh, the for­mer head of the Cou­va-Point Lisas Cham­ber of Com­merce said he was al­ways hap­py to get in­volved in com­mu­ni­ty events.

Dr Daniel Dookie, left, presents, Stephen Seepersad of the team that placed second, Out for Duck Crew, with a trophy and $1000 cash prize

Dr Daniel Dookie, left, presents, Stephen Seepersad of the team that placed second, Out for Duck Crew, with a trophy and $1000 cash prize

Shastri Boodan

Natalie John, left, presents Sharlene Rambharat from the Meat and Greet Crew with the award for the Best Tasting Duck

Natalie John, left, presents Sharlene Rambharat from the Meat and Greet Crew with the award for the Best Tasting Duck

Shastri Boodan

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