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Friday, March 14, 2025

For the love of her students–Prof Faria Khan committed to providing the best resources to ensure success


334 days ago
Prof Faria Khan

Prof Faria Khan



Prof Faria Khan is com­mit­ted to en­sur­ing that stu­dents have the best re­sources to suc­ceed. It’s the rea­son she launched her first book, CSEC Span­ish Oral Con­ver­sa­tion, in No­vem­ber 2022.

“You know, as teach­ers, on a dai­ly ba­sis we mo­ti­vate, in­spire, and en­cour­age our stu­dents to do their best, but this time it was my stu­dents who mo­ti­vat­ed, in­spired, and en­cour­aged me to write my first book,” she said.

“Be­ing an au­thor was nev­er in my ca­reer goals or on the list of things that I want­ed to ac­com­plish. It just hap­pened as a re­sult of try­ing to help my stu­dents suc­ceed.”

The AS­JA Girls’ Col­lege San Fer­nan­do teacher holds a Mas­ter in Ed­u­ca­tion­al Lead­er­ship, a Bach­e­lor of Arts de­gree in Span­ish and Lin­guis­tics, and a Post Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Ed­u­ca­tion spe­cial­is­ing in For­eign Lan­guages, all from the Uni­ver­si­ty of the West In­dies, St Au­gus­tine. She al­so holds a Post­grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Method­olo­gies for the Teach­ing of Span­ish as a Sec­ond Lan­guage for Teach­ers of the Eng­lish-Speak­ing Caribbean from the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Uni­ver­si­ty of Ed­u­ca­tion­al Sci­ences in San­ti­a­go, Chile.

She stud­ied at uni­ver­si­ties in Colom­bia and Chile on schol­ar­ship pro­grammes and has tak­en stu­dents on nu­mer­ous school trips to Venezuela, Cu­ba, Cos­ta Ri­ca, and Pana­ma.

She has been a Span­ish teacher for 19 years and the Head of the Mod­ern Lan­guages De­part­ment for the past 11 years at AS­JA Girls. She was al­so an ed­i­tor for the CSEC Span­ish Se­ries at Aleph Ed­u­ca­tors Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny.

In 2021, her on­line Form 5 class asked her to put her Pow­er­Points on the six oral top­ics with about 50 ques­tions each and lots of an­swers in a book (which were time-con­sum­ing for them to write down) so that they could start study­ing them from Form 1.

She said that’s when the idea for the book was sparked. She did not get around to it un­til her on­line Form 5 class asked the same thing in 2022. “They said there were no CSEC Span­ish oral books to study from,” she added.

“That sur­prised me, and I ac­tu­al­ly did vis­it the book­stores to check, and there re­al­ly were none. I then re­alised that this was a much-need­ed re­source, as it would not on­ly ben­e­fit the stu­dents by hav­ing all the oral ques­tions and an­swer notes in one book but al­so the Span­ish teach­ers as well.

“These are notes I have com­piled over my years of teach­ing, and I know that they work.”

“For the past four years, over 90 per cent of my on­line Form 5 stu­dents at­tained a Grade A in the speak­ing pro­file us­ing these notes from my Pow­er­Points to prac­tice speak­ing.”

Prof Khan ex­pe­ri­enced a new learn­ing curve when be­com­ing an au­thor, as she had to do quite a bit of re­search, which led her to self-pub­lish.

“I re­alised that I had al­ready done most of what a pub­lish­er would do,” she said. “I had typed, for­mat­ted, de­signed my cov­er, had a col­league ed­it and proof­read, and all the oth­er tech­ni­cal de­tails. It was a chal­lenge, but I to­tal­ly en­joyed it! My stu­dents ac­tu­al­ly vot­ed on the cov­er when I had four de­signs and couldn’t de­cide.”

Short­ly af­ter pub­lish­ing the Span­ish oral book, she start­ed to re­ceive mes­sages on her so­cial me­dia and calls for the French ver­sion.

“The book­stores said par­ents kept ask­ing for it,” she said. “At first, I dis­missed the idea as I don’t teach French. But last year, dur­ing the 2023 CSEC ex­ams, my Span­ish stu­dents, who were al­so study­ing French, told me that they were us­ing my Span­ish orals book to guide them and pre­pare for their French orals, and that I need­ed to help the French stu­dents al­so. It was at that point that I start­ed to con­sid­er it and to look for a trans­la­tor.

“My goal with these books is to help stu­dents be­come bet­ter pre­pared for the ex­am, be­cause when they are pre­pared, they will feel con­fi­dent, and when they are con­fi­dent, they per­form bet­ter, and then they are suc­cess­ful, which is what we want.”

The re­sponse and pos­i­tive feed­back to her book have been re­mark­able from teach­ers and stu­dents, not just in T&T but across the re­gion. It’s all the re­ward she needs af­ter de­cid­ing to pur­sue what she loves as a ca­reer. “I was not sure about my ca­reer path even af­ter I grad­u­at­ed from uni­ver­si­ty, but I knew I loved lan­guages, trav­el­ling, and dis­cov­er­ing new cul­tures, she said.

“Af­ter I start­ed teach­ing at my al­ma mater, AS­JA Girls’ Col­lege San Fer­nan­do, I re­alised that I en­joyed teach­ing and help­ing stu­dents to love learn­ing Span­ish. It be­came my goal to make learn­ing Span­ish fun and easy for my stu­dents.

“As such, I was able to com­bine my pas­sion for teach­ing Span­ish and my love of trav­el­ling by tak­ing my stu­dents on nu­mer­ous trips to Span­ish-speak­ing coun­tries to mo­ti­vate and in­spire them to learn the lan­guage and cul­ture.”

Prof Khan ex­celled in Span­ish class­es at school and was in­spired by her re­search for her oral pre­sen­ta­tion for the A-Lev­el ex­am, which was on the Moor­ish in­flu­ence in Spain.

“I dis­cov­ered that the Span­ish lan­guage had many Ara­bic words and Ara­bic in­flu­ence and that the Span­ish cul­ture still had many Moor­ish in­flu­ences up till to­day in their food, mu­sic, build­ings, agri­cul­ture, ed­u­ca­tion, place names, and many more, all of which I found quite fas­ci­nat­ing,” she ex­plained.

“It is still on my buck­et list to vis­it Spain one day to ex­pe­ri­ence all of this rich his­to­ry.”

As she cel­e­brat­ed Eid af­ter the month-long fast for Ra­madan, she was re­ward­ed with the sat­is­fac­tion of know­ing that she con­tin­ues to have a pos­i­tive im­pact on her stu­dents.

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