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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Kiss and Makeup with Mikelle


2080 days ago

Mikelle Singh is an en­thu­si­as­tic, grow­ing en­tre­pre­neur. Her ca­reer in Hu­man Re­sources be­gan even be­fore she at­tend­ed the School of Busi­ness and Com­put­er Sci­ence where she pur­sued a course of study in Busi­ness Man­age­ment. This ed­u­ca­tion con­tin­ues to con­tribute to the ad­vance­ment of her ca­reer and in the day-to-day op­er­a­tions of her busi­ness­es. It was dur­ing the ear­ly stages of her Hu­man Re­sources ca­reer when the spark to re­late to oth­ers on a new and more in­ti­mate lev­el was formed. Mikelle then pur­sued pro­fes­sion­al ac­cred­i­ta­tions in make­up artistry and launched her first busi­ness, Kiss and Make­up by Mikelle in 2016. Her en­tre­pre­neur­ial spir­it fur­ther pro­pelled her to launch Prop­Up.TT, a pho­to booth ser­vice, two years lat­er. As a moth­er of one, Mikelle val­ues fam­i­ly time and sim­ple plea­sures in life.

One thing your cus­tomers can re­al­ly count on you for?

I be­lieve my cus­tomers can def­i­nite­ly count on me for a make­up look tai­lored to their de­mand and one which per­fect­ly suits their per­son­al­i­ty.

Which step do you love the most when do­ing make­up and why?

When I stand be­fore my client face-to-face while she is wear­ing no make­up, it re­al­ly al­lows me to con­nect with her in a way that is far deep­er than the sur­face lev­el. I can tru­ly as­sess the client’s make­up needs. There is no cook­ie cut­ter for make­up artistry. In­di­vid­u­als bring their unique iden­ti­ty and ex­pec­ta­tion. As a make­up artist, you are not just ap­ply­ing make­up to some­one to en­hance their best fea­tures but you are al­so a lis­ten­er, con­fi­dante and friend.

Tell us about your best achieve­ment mile­stones.

I must say first­ly that i am very proud of be­ing a moth­er, and moth­er­hood is one of my great­est mile­stones. In ad­di­tion to that I would say be­ing able to pur­sue my pas­sion and the es­tab­lish­ment of my busi­ness­es.

How do you stay abreast of the lat­est beau­ty trends?

By pay­ing at­ten­tion to so­cial me­dia, while re­main­ing cog­nizant of its in­her­ent ills, and keep­ing in touch with oth­er sea­soned make­up artists, I keep abreast of the lat­est trends. It is worth not­ing that it is crit­i­cal to re­main ground­ed in a very ma­te­r­i­al and sur­face world.

What are three make­up tips you can give to us?

Skin­care - start with a ba­sic rou­tine that in­volves wash­ing and mois­tur­is­ing your face at least twice dai­ly and nev­er go to bed wear­ing make­up.

Foun­da­tion match­ing - en­sure that the foun­da­tion you are wear­ing is your cor­rect shade. When test­ing shades, al­ways do so on your fore­head.

Brow - when ap­ply­ing brows, al­ways use feath­ery strokes for a more nat­ur­al ap­pear­ance.

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