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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Memorable performances in Versi d’Amore


114 days ago

Ver­si d’Amore: A Sym­pho­ny of Ro­mance, brought to­geth­er some of the coun­try’s finest tal­ents for a one-night-on­ly per­for­mance at the Winifred Atwell Au­di­to­ri­um, Queen’s Hall, on No­vem­ber 2.

The cast of vo­cal soloists John Thomas, Mar­vin Smith, Farouk Jr., gui­tarists Ste­fan Roach and Ste­fan Ay­oung, vi­o­lin­ists An­dre Comeau, and Ja­mal Win­ches­ter, with spe­cial ap­pear­ances by pi­anist Ger­maine Scott and vo­cal­ist Vanes­sa Bushe cap­ti­vat­ed the au­di­ence with their emo­tion­al depth and mu­si­cal artistry.

Op­er­at­ic tenor John Thomas de­liv­ered a com­mand­ing per­for­mance, while, Ste­fan Roach, a renowned fla­men­co gui­tarist, en­ter­tained with fiery and in­tri­cate melodies.

Ste­fan Ay­oung, a ver­sa­tile mu­si­cian known for his pop singing, gui­tar, and pi­ano skills, added con­tem­po­rary flair to the evening, while Ja­mal Win­ches­ter, a tal­ent­ed clas­si­cal and jazz pi­anist, as well as a pop singer, de­liv­ered a so­phis­ti­cat­ed and dy­nam­ic per­for­mance to the event.

There was al­so a mem­o­rable per­for­mance by Mar­vin Smith, a crossover clas­si­cal vo­cal­ist known for his abil­i­ty to merge gen­res.

For fans of al­ter­na­tive rock, Farouk Jr added an edge to the evening and vi­o­lin­ist An­dre Comeau en­chant­ed the au­di­ence with his mas­ter­ful play­ing.

Oth­er high­lights were the per­for­mance by spe­cial guest Ger­maine Scott, a jazz pi­anist who added a vin­tage charm to the show and the long-await­ed re­turn of vo­cal­ist Vanes­sa Bushe.

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