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Monday, February 17, 2025



76 days ago

Kadi Sylvester

MRS. RE­BEC­CA BOODOO tran­si­tioned peace­ful­ly on Mon­day Sep­tem­ber 23rd, 2024 at the age of 84 years. She was the wid­ow of her beloved, Mr. Mulchan Boodoo. Re­bec­ca was born in­to the Gar­raway clan and was the daugh­ter of the late Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Claris­sa Gar­raway. Mrs. Boodoo was the ma­tri­arch to her own Rhea, De­na, Ryan; her son in law and daugh­ter in law and the ap­ples of her eyes -Dris and Ads. Mrs. Boodoo was a re­tired teacher who was adored by all her stu­dents and col­leagues from Pi­paro Pres­by­ter­ian Pri­ma­ry School, Re­form Pres­by­ter­ian Pri­ma­ry School, Mara­bel­la Ju­nior Sec­ondary, St Pe­ters Point a Pierre Pri­vate Pri­ma­ry School and Sevil­la Pri­vate Pri­ma­ry School Cou­va. She was a self­less, gift­ed, gen­er­ous soul who taught every­one around her about her faith in God. Her beau­ti­ful voice could be heard whether teach­ingthe choir, in the kitchen or out when gar­den­ing. She was al­so known for her in­fec­tious laugh­ter that caused many to join her even though they did not kno what she was laugh­ing at. She was to­tal­ly de­vot­ed to her fam­i­ly, noth­ing was ever too much for her. Our Dear­est Beloved Moth­er will be sad­ly missed by all who crossed her path and by all who were for­tu­nate to have had her love.

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