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Monday, February 17, 2025

PINKnicTT 2025: Fete for a worthy cause


22 days ago


It’s one of the most sought-af­ter events for the Car­ni­val sea­son. PINKnicTT 2025 sold out in just two weeks af­ter tick­ets went live.

Held by the Air Com­mit­tee, which com­pris­es Shane Baird, Nicholas Gill and Adri­an Chan­dler in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Live in Love Events & Haeven—the event is not your typ­i­cal Car­ni­val all-in­clu­sive, but one with a cause—breast can­cer aware­ness.

“PINKnicTT was orig­i­nal­ly held in Oc­to­ber 2019, pre-COVID. Oc­to­ber is the month set aside for breast can­cer aware­ness,” said Shane Baird.

“The event was moved to the Car­ni­val pe­ri­od in 2023 and we con­tin­ue to pro­mote breast can­cer aware­ness. This is a very spe­cial event to me be­cause I lost my mom to colon can­cer about 15 years ago.”

Gill re­vealed that PINKnicTT will once again be do­nat­ing to the Pink Hi­bis­cus Foun­da­tion like it did in past years.

“We all have some­one close to us now who has been a vic­tim of can­cer,” he said.

“When we launched the event, we didn’t re­alise how many peo­ple can­cer af­fect­ed. Our com­mit­tee mem­bers, even sup­pli­ers, came to us and said this is a great way for you all to give back. We al­ways did events but when we launched PINKnicTT, the feed­back and sup­port to dri­ve it, it re­al­ly mo­ti­vat­ed us. We are very hap­py to be able to as­sist with breast can­cer re­search and screen­ing.”

Sched­uled to be held at Fa­ti­ma Grounds on March 1, PINKnicTT presents Soir de Paris in 2025.

“Pa­trons will be trans­port­ed to the city of love,” added Baird.

“From the food to the dé­cor every­thing takes on a Parisian theme. We want to give pa­trons a taste of the gas­tro­nom­ic cap­i­tal of the world with com­fort foods like crêpes and desserts like mac­aroons. Paris is al­so known for its unique ar­chi­tec­ture which we in­tend to show­case as well.”

Of course, you can’t have a Paris-themed event with­out fash­ion, ac­cord­ing to Chan­dler.

“Paris is known for all the high-end fash­ion brands,” he said.

“We have pa­trons who have spe­cial pink out­fits done for this event. Of course, pink is the colour used to pro­mote breast can­cer aware­ness.”

While the event is sold out, the de­mand for tick­ets has not stopped as there is still five weeks to go be­fore the ac­tu­al event.

“We hope for an en­joy­able, safe, suc­cess­ful event as any oth­er event we do,” added Gill.

“Every day we get calls, emails, mes­sages for tick­ets. We re­al­ly want to please the at­ten­dees and give them a great ex­pe­ri­ence.”

While you may not ex­pe­ri­ence PINKnicTT, the Air Com­mit­tee has launched a new all-in­clu­sive event—Nec­tar—that will be held on Car­ni­val Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 26.

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