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Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Multitalented Chelsea Andell


1202 days ago


She is an aer­i­al silk dancer, hip-hop and tap teacher, chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, mu­si­cian, song­writer, record­ing artiste and as­pir­ing rap­per, as well as an ac­tor with a diplo­ma from the New York Film Acad­e­my. Quite a fea­ture for a 20 year old who is just 163cm tall and weighs £100. But Chelsea An­dell, al­so known as Sauce The Rap­per, and co-di­rec­tor of the Can­dice Clarke Acad­e­my for Dance (CCAD) has been do­ing ex­tra­or­di­nary things all her life.

She has mas­tered con­tem­po­rary bal­let, afrobeat and Cre­o­la gen­res of dance is ar­tic­u­late in African, Caribbean, Trin­bag­on­ian and Amer­i­can di­alects and plays the pi­ano, djem­be, gui­tar, cel­lo and bass steel­pans. An­dell al­so rollerblades, par­tic­i­pates in track and field sports and is a child and car­toon-voice im­pres­sion­ist.

With her ex­pan­sive dance pro­file, An­dell has per­formed in hy­brid shows in the US, Cana­da, Ja­maica and T&T, and has chore­o­graphed shows at the South­ern Acad­e­my for the Per­form­ing Arts and The Lit­tle Carib The­atre, as well as The Colony The­atre Com­pa­ny in the US.

Her film reper­toire in­cludes roles in: The Chron­i­cles of Bul­let Head, Bath­room Plan­et, Some­thing in the Air, Death of a Goon and At High Noon.

An­dell says mul­ti­me­dia thrills her and she has par­tic­i­pat­ed in gam­ing com­pe­ti­tions on the eS­ports Times: Toast with the Most, and Thanks­Gam­ing. She has done Sauce the Rap­per mu­sic videos King Kong Dance and Peo­ple and was fea­tured in De­stra Gar­cia’s video So­ca Saved Me. In ad­di­tion, she has re­ceived a host of tele­vi­sion and ra­dio re­views fol­low­ing in­ter­views or per­for­mances on CNC3, Syn­er­gy TV, GT Net­work, TTT, TV4, TV6, Gayelle TV, Syn­er­gy TV, Red 96.7FM, WACK Ra­dio 90.1FM, I95.5FM and Sky 99.5FM.

This mul­ti­tal­ent­ed artiste be­lieves she de­vel­oped her tal­ents in the womb since she has al­ways been in­ter­est­ed in the per­form­ing arts.

“My mom is an in­ter­na­tion­al dancer and the famed di­rec­tor of the Can­dice Clarke Acad­e­my of Dance, Can­dice Clarke. Per­form­ing is like sec­ond na­ture to her and al­so to me,” she said.

She honed her nat­ur­al tal­ents through train­ing stints with Alvin Ai­ley Ex­ten­sion in New York, the Supreme Ways Per­form­ing Arts In­sti­tute and the Can­dice Clarke Acad­e­my of Dance. She did vo­cal train­ing with Cindy Dough­lin, pi­ano with David Chin, learned her aer­i­al skills Lyfe Ex­pe­ri­ences and pageantry with Lyn­don Ross.

Keep­ing in top form is a pri­or­i­ty for An­del who is cur­rent­ly en­hanc­ing her strength, sta­mi­na and flex­i­bil­i­ty by par­tic­i­pat­ing in a 31-day Oc­to­ber mo­bil­i­ty chal­lenge, in­tro­duced by the Brook­lyn Zoo Gym. She al­so takes part in dance chal­lenges on Tik­Tok but still man­ages to find time for leisure ac­tiv­i­ties such as read­ing, hock­ey, lawn ten­nis and swim­ming.

A mem­ber of the Unit­ed Na­tions In­ter­na­tion­al Dance Coun­cil and a reg­is­tered song­writer with the Copy­right Or­gan­i­sa­tion of T&T (COTT), An­dell wants to be a pos­i­tive leader in the pro­fes­sion­al world of the per­form­ing arts.

This mul­ti­tal­ent­ed per­former can be con­tact­ed at chelseaan­, an­, or by call­ing 646-986-3056. Fol­low Chelsea An­dell on the fol­low­ing so­cial me­dia plat­forms—In­sta­gram: @iamsaucether­ap­per, Twit­ter: @ChelseaAn­dell, YouTube: Sauce The Rap­per and Tik­Tok: @iamsauce

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