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Saturday, March 8, 2025

What does Progress in the Tech Space look like?

Join us at the Tech Summit 2022


Women's Empowerment Contributor
1056 days ago

Mindwise Project

Google Women Tech­mak­ers, Google De­vel­op­er Groups and Women in Tech Caribbean along with re­gion­al part­ners in STEAM (Sci­ence, Tech­nol­o­gy, En­gi­neer­ing, Arts and Math­e­mat­ics) in­dus­try will be host­ing the sec­ond in­stall­ment of the In­ter­na­tion­al Women’s Day Caribbean Tech Sum­mit 2022, an an­nu­al event tar­get­ing the Di­ver­si­ty and In­clu­sion space for the Caribbean and its Di­as­po­ra.

#IWDTech­Sum­mit2022 will cel­e­brate and ex­plore the theme #Pro­gress­Not­Per­fec­tion, and what progress means in our Caribbean con­text in the STEAM space; with the aim to fos­ter an ecosys­tem of Caribbean em­pow­er­ment and ac­tion that will con­tribute to greater rep­re­sen­ta­tion of a di­verse and in­clu­sive Caribbean. It will be ex­e­cut­ed by a grow­ing net­work of al­lies and women lead­ers; BY US, FOR US.

This year, the part­ners hail from 9 Caribbean coun­tries in­clud­ing Ja­maica, Trinidad and To­ba­go, Guyana, Bar­ba­dos, St. Vin­cent and the Grenadines, Guade­loupe, the Ba­hamas, Suri­name and Haiti. Or­ga­niz­ing part­ners in­clude Google Women Tech­mak­ers, Google De­vel­op­er Groups, An­i­mae Caribe, Caribbean Girls Hack, Trinidad and To­ba­go An­i­ma­tion Net­work, Gam­ing As­so­ci­a­tion of Trinidad and To­ba­go, Caribbean In­Tran­sit, Workii, Is­land Sit­ters, Ramdin Con­sul­tan­cy and De­sign Change.

What does Progress in Di­ver­si­ty, Eq­ui­ty and In­clu­sion (DEI) look like in the Caribbean Tech Space? What did it take to get us this far? And how much fur­ther do we have to go?

The #IWDTech­Sum­mit2022 will be con­nect­ing IN­TEN­TION with SUS­TAIN­ABIL­I­TY & AC­TION as the par­tic­i­pants will be in­ter­faced with in­dus­try ex­perts, best prac­tices, knowl­edge shar­ing, core DEI Train­ing and some of the re­gion’s bold­est and most in­no­v­a­tive projects & com­pa­nies.

“We will ex­am­ine not on­ly the ex­pe­ri­ences and chal­lenges of our cur­rent land­scape, but deep dive in­to the imag­i­na­tion, tools and sys­tems need­ed to fos­ter the growth of the Caribbean foot­print and ex­pe­ri­ence in the glob­al net­work of tech­nol­o­gy,” shared by the Or­ga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee of this #IWDTech­Sum­mit2022.

Ex­pert Led Dis­cus­sions

Keynote Speak­er for this year, Camille Selvon, pi­o­neer of the STEAM in­dus­try in the Caribbean, will be mak­ing a fea­tured ad­dress, along­side Glob­al Leads from Google, Sha Hur­ley - Glob­al In­no­va­tion Cul­ture Lead and Dr. Lun­don Jack­son, Glob­al Head of EDU Con­tent at Youtube.

The speak­er ros­ter for this year in­cludes dy­nam­ic movers and shak­ers in the well­ness, cre­ative and tech ecosys­tem such as Ka­dia Fran­cis - Dig­i­tal Ja­maica; Ca­ri­na Cock­burn and Kay­la Grant - In­ter Amer­i­can De­vel­op­ment Bank; Aman­da Spann - Tech Beach Re­treat; Dr. Safeeya Mo­hammed - CEO, SISU Glob­al Well­ness; Dr. Marielle Bar­row - Caribbean In­Tran­sit, and Anya Ay­oung Chee; Wyld Flwr LLC and many more across the week of the Sum­mit.

There will al­so be fea­ture talks and pan­el dis­cus­sions on the fol­low­ing top­ics:

• ↓The Good the Bad and the Ug­ly: Ca­reer Chal­lenges, Suc­cess­es, Fail­ures

• ↓PIV­OTS/Non-Tra­di­tion­al Roles in Tech­nol­o­gy

• ↓Cli­mate Ac­tion, Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and Tech­nol­o­gy

• ↓Cur­rent, Cre­ative, Trends & New Mar­kets

• ↓Nav­i­gat­ing Op­por­tu­ni­ties in the Ecosys­tem

• ↓YOUTH LEAD­ER­SHIP in Caribbean Tech Day

• Men­tal Health & Re­silience

• ↓Nav­i­gat­ing our Tox­ic Work­place Cul­ture

• ↓TAKE THE LEAD: Cur­rent and Up­com­ing Caribbean-based pro­fes­sion­als, com­pa­nies, projects & Ini­tia­tives

Break­ing Bar­ri­ers in the Tech Ecosys­tem

Google Women Tech­mak­ers and Women In Tech Caribbean have brought to­geth­er in­flu­encers, in­dus­try lead­ers and pi­o­neers who have bro­ken bar­ri­ers and spend their time pur­su­ing projects and ini­tia­tives that #Break­the­Bias. These part­ners are bring­ing the Caribbean in­to the dig­i­tal fo­rum to com­pete, mean­while fos­ter­ing ecosys­tems to fa­cil­i­tate greater ex­pan­sion of their ef­forts and in­vest­ment.

Spe­cial Fo­cus on Youth in Di­ver­si­ty

This year there will be a spe­cial fo­cus on Youth in the Di­ver­si­ty and In­clu­sion space, with a spe­cial Youth in Tech Day - 24th April, 2022, which will fea­ture youth ideas, di­a­logue and talks de­signed and cre­at­ed by our first ever IWD Tech Sum­mit Youth Del­e­gates, a new men­tor­ship ini­tia­tive in­tend­ed to em­pow­er youth di­a­logue and or­ga­niz­ers.

“Young peo­ple should be at the fore­front of glob­al change and in­no­va­tion. Em­pow­ered, they can be key agents for de­vel­op­ment and peace.”

— Kofi An­nan, sev­enth Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al of the Unit­ed Na­tions (UN) from 1997 to 2006

You can fol­low all up­dates on


DATE: APRIL 19-24, 2022

TO REG­IS­TER:­sum­mit2022

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