The revolution underway in media is more radical than we–the industry–appreciate. That the contest between legacy and insurgent players is mortal, with advantage to the insurgents. That surviving legacy properties will have had to learn the disciplines of the insurgents and that they can. That velocity is first among the virtues. That the speed of change is unprecedented. That ideas have their season but not more.
David Bradley,
Owner, Atlantic Media
Pronouncements on the demise of print media may be exaggerated, but there is no denying the reality or severity of its challenges, or the inevitability of a digital future. E-readers, e-books, smartphones, tablets–they all give readers an increasing range of digital options for consuming content.
Digital media provides readers with convenience, portability and interactivity options that are simply not possible with traditional print. These technological advances have come with dramatic changes in content consumption patterns, forcing major transformations within the media sector globally.