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Saturday, March 22, 2025

BlackBerry 'leading' smartphone charge



The high­est rate of pen­e­tra­tion for Black­Ber­ry Mes­sen­ger users is in the Caribbean and Latin Amer­i­ca, ac­cord­ing to RIM's car­ri­er re­la­tion­ship mar­ket­ing man­ag­er for the re­gion, An­gela Fri­ar. Fri­ar was speak­ing dur­ing the RIM/LIME launch of four of the lat­est Black­Ber­ry smart­phone de­vices and OS 7 (Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem 7) plat­form yes­ter­day at the Olym­pus The­atres VIP Lounge. The four new de­vices launched were the Black­Ber­ry Bold 9900, Torch 9850, Torch 9810 and the Curve 9360. "In the Caribbean, we ac­tu­al­ly have the high­est pen­e­tra­tions of Black­Ber­ry Mes­sen­ger world­wide-up to about 90 per cent. So every nine per­sons who buy a Black­Ber­ry with a da­ta plan is us­ing Black­Ber­ry Mes­sen­ger," said Fri­ar.

Fri­ar fur­ther said: "I can say that Black­Ber­ry in Latin Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean holds the num­ber one smart­phone po­si­tion with mar­ket share of over 45 per cent, based on in­dus­try stance." De­scrib­ing the new se­ries of smart­phone as "smooth, fast and high-end", Fri­ar said they were "sig­nif­i­cant­ly more pow­er­ful". She al­so not­ed that the new OS 7 plat­form had PDF and Mi­crosoft Of­fice ca­pa­bil­i­ties. Head of mar­ket­ing for LIME (Bar­ba­dos), Gail Niles, stat­ed that the Black­Ber­ry Curve con­tin­ued to be a favourite across the mar­ket, while the Torch and Bold "are al­so pop­u­lar, but most­ly among the cor­po­rate clients".

Bar­ba­dos Na­tion

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