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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Samsung S4 now available in T&T



Dig­i­cel is now of­fer­ing its cus­tomers the new dy­nam­ic Sam­sung Galaxy S4 hand­set.The S4 boasts a larg­er screen than the S3, has a big­ger, longer-last­ing bat­tery and is more pow­er­ful yet lighter than its pre­de­ces­sor. It has a five-inch scratch-re­sis­tant screen made from the new Go­ril­la Glass 3 which has en­hanced im­pact re­sis­tance.

There are many new fea­tures on this de­vice which has Air and Mo­tion Ges­ture to pre­view and con­trol phone ac­tions with­out ever touch­ing the screen. The phone's Smart Scroll fea­ture al­lows users to scroll up and down by tilt­ing the phone while look­ing at the screen. The sen­sors pay at­ten­tion to eye and face move­ments and ac­tu­al­ly tracks the user's face so that it will pause a video when the user look away.

The S4 fea­tures a 13 mega pix­el cam­era as well as a 2 mega pix­el­frontal cam­era–which means that per­sons in front and be­hind the cam­eras can now be in the pho­to once the dual cam­era op­tion is ac­ti­vat­ed.With the "S Trans­la­tor" there is no such thing as a lan­guage bar­ri­er. The phone trans­lates in­to the lan­guage of your choice and de­liv­ers a re­sponse in voice or text.

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