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Sunday, February 23, 2025

T&T moves closer to Internet Exchange Point



T&T is one step clos­er to es­tab­lish­ing its own In­ter­net Ex­change Point (IXP).The board of the T&T In­ter­net Ex­change (TTIX), the non-prof­it com­pa­ny that will set up the lo­cal IXP, held its in­au­gur­al meet­ing last month to elect of­fi­cers.

TTIX in­cludes the coun­try's sev­en ma­jor In­ter­net ser­vice providers (ISPs). Once es­tab­lished, the In­ter­net ex­change point (IXP) will fa­cil­i­tate the ex­change of lo­cal In­ter­net traf­fic be­tween the ISPs. It will help to keep users' lo­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tions more pri­vate, as it re­duces the re­liance on in­ter­na­tion­al net­work fa­cil­i­ties. Con­sumers can al­so ex­pect to see an im­prove­ment in the speed and ro­bust­ness of In­ter­net ac­cess for lo­cal­ly-based con­tent and ser­vices.

There are six IX­Ps in the Caribbean, in Cu­ra­cao (AMS-IX), St Maarten (OCIX), Grena­da (GREX), British Vir­gin Is­lands (BVIX), Haiti and Do­mini­ca (DANIX). TTIX is work­ing to­wards es­tab­lish­ing the IXP in the first half of 2014.

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