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Monday, March 17, 2025

Galaxy S5 debuts at The Falls



The Sam­sung Galaxy S5 took cen­tre stage at bmo­bile's the Falls at West Mall's Re­tail Store when it of­fi­cial­ly went on sale to the gen­er­al pub­lic on April 8.Slim line, sexy and in the colours of black and white (and com­ing soon blue and cop­per gold), the phone caught the at­ten­tion of cus­tomers who came to see it up close and even those go­ing about the or­di­nary busi­ness of top­ping up their cell phones and pay­ing mo­bile bills.

The Sam­sung rep­re­sen­ta­tives kept cus­tomers en­gaged with triv­ia ques­tions about the Galaxy S5 de­vice and games like Spin the Wheel and Plinko–all for a chance at win­ning Sam­sung bags and ac­ces­sories for their mo­bile de­vices.Kashif Greaves, blink bmo­bile's Mar­ket­ing An­a­lyst–Hand­set Pric­ing and Strat­e­gy, Mo­bile Op­er­a­tions Dis­tri­b­u­tion and Pre­paid Ser­vices, said since the Galaxy S5 was launched, in­ter­est in the de­vice has been con­stant. Pre-or­ders on the night of the of­fi­cial launch of the Galaxy S5 ex­ceed­ed 150.

"We were over-sub­scribed," he said.The pub­lic launch of the de­vice was done to give cus­tomers an in­ter­ac­tive look at the newest de­vice in the Sam­sung An­droid fam­i­ly."We want­ed them to ful­ly ex­plore the de­vice in a re­laxed en­vi­ron­ment." Greaves said the Galaxy S5 is a ro­bust de­vice that is wa­ter, dust and shock re­sis­tant."It fea­tures a 4K or ul­tra video res­o­lu­tion, 128 gigs ex­pand­able mem­o­ry and 2800mAh bat­tery ca­pac­i­ty."

Users of the Galaxy S5 can't be pi­geon holed to a par­tic­u­lar pro­file, Greaves added, since the de­vice can be used by any­one from the pro­fes­sion­al to the stu­dent and the so­cialite.

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