The T&T Securities and Exchange Commission (TTSEC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the T&T Stock Exchange Limited (TTSE) to co-operate on initiatives related to regulation and development of the local capital market and securities industry.The MoU establishes a formal committee which will meet quarterly to deal with matters relating to both agencies and the securities market. A working group was also set up within each institution to facilitate the ease with which they interact.
This is the fifth agreement the TTSEC has signed and formalised over the past 18 months. In June 2013, the TTSEC became a full signatory to the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation and Co-operation and the Exchange of Information (MMoU). On January 6, an MoU was signed with the Central Bank Both agreements deal with how they will consult, co-operate, and exchange information for regulatory enforcement purposes.
On January 8, a protocol was signed between the TTSEC and the Securities Dealers Association of T&T and on April 9, an MMoU with the Caribbean Group of Securities Regulators came into force. This agreement aims to facilitate mutual co-operation in the conduct of regulatory and supervisory functions under the relevant securities laws, regulations and rules.