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Sunday, March 2, 2025

MovieTowne pioneers online cinema ticketing



Movi­eTowne cin­e­ma pa­trons can now en­joy the con­ve­nience of buy­ing movie tick­ets on­line from their homes, of­fice or any­where.That is among the lat­est in­no­va­tions in­tro­duced by the en­ter­tain­ment com­pa­ny.In ad­di­tion to launch­ing a new web­site, Movi­etowne re­cent­ly un­veiled a Buy Tick­ets On­line Plat­form in part­ner­ship with Tick­tr, T&T's first mo­bile-based cin­e­ma tick­et pur­chas­ing app.

The new site fea­tures show times, ad­vanced day sched­ules, vot­ing for movies, kids' movie se­lec­tions, and so­cial me­dia movie shar­ing.It al­so show­cas­es the Movi­eTowne Mall at In­vad­er's Bay, with all of the stores, restau­rants and bars fea­tur­ing their menus, prod­uct of­fer­ings, as well as deals and spe­cials on of­fer.

Cus­tomers are con­stant­ly up­dat­ed with a de­tailed cal­en­dar pre­sent­ing events and ac­tiv­i­ties tak­ing place at Movi­eTowne and there is a sep­a­rate sec­tion high­light­ing the Ban­quet and Con­fer­ence Cen­tre lo­cat­ed on the third floor in Fi­es­ta Plaza.The Buy Tick­ets On­line plat­form, and on­line e-com­merce tick­et ser­vice is the first of its kind in T&T and the Caribbean and it of­fers cus­tomers the op­tion of us­ing a lo­cal or in­ter­na­tion­al cred­it card to buy tick­ets from the new web­site www.movi­

All cus­tomers have to do is vis­it the site, se­lect their movie re­quest, make a book­ing for their tick­ets, en­ter cred­it card in­for­ma­tion and once the trans­ac­tion is ap­proved, they sim­ply pick up their movie tick­ets when they vis­it Movi­eTowne at the re­demp­tion sta­tion by scan­ning ei­ther their print-at-home bar code con­fir­ma­tion, or an email con­fir­ma­tion from their mo­bile phone.

The project is a first for Tick­tr, Movi­eTowne and their part­ner bank First Cit­i­zens.First Cit­i­zen CEO Karen Dar­basie said: "First Cit­i­zens stands true to its promise of de­liv­er­ing firsts to the coun­try.We are proud to be a part of this new in­no­va­tion with Movi­eTowne and Tick­tr to fa­cil­i­tate the first fi­nan­cial mo­bile ap­pli­ca­tion and on­line tick­et­ing plat­form, to al­low e-com­merce trans­ac­tions on your mo­bile phone and on your com­put­er de­vices."

Movi­eTowne's mar­ket­ing di­rec­tor Louan­na Bor­de said:

"The Movi­eTowne web­site, on­line tick­et­ing and the Tick­tr mo­bile app are de­signed to be our on­line plat­forms, giv­ing our cus­tomers in­ter­ac­tive, use­ful tools to plan and ac­cess their en­ter­tain­ment all from one place."Peo­ple are busier than ever these days and they want every­thing in­stant­ly, they want to plan their so­cial out­ings with­out hav­ing to ex­ert too much ef­fort. The new, dai­ly up­dat­ed web­site and app of­fer them con­ve­nience with all of the fea­tures, in­no­va­tions and con­tent they need 24-7."

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