On May 17, MDC-UM lost its information technology (IT) infrastructure after a catastrophic fire destroyed most of their building located in the Trincity Industrial Estate. Through leveraging a long-standing relationship with Microsoft partner Davyn Limited and the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, the home and office furniture manufacturer was able to quickly get their critical systems back up and running.
Fortunately for the factory which employs 120 people, a working backup of their content was created two days before the fire occurred. Once this system was restored to the cloud and upgraded, MDC-UM experienced increased efficiency in its use of Dynamics GP due to the new features available in the 2015 R2 release. The factory is expecting to return to full production next month.
The company's chief financial officer Ramona Tamasar said: "With the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 via a cloud environment, it is now very easy for my IT personnel as they do not have to worry about daily or weekly backups. To date, we have had no issues and our employees and customers are quite happy with the services provided."
Tamasar said she contacted Davyn following the fire and the Microsoft partner recommended her business host their Dynamics GP solution on Microsoft Azure, in addition to setting up a new domain controller, SQL server and application server running Remote Desktop Services. Davyn also implemented a subscription to Office 365 Pro Plus to provision Word and Excel which work with Dynamics GP. All professional services, outside of the hosting fees and the required Remote Desktop Services licenses, were provided at no charge by Davyn.
"Davyn was quite efficient and did a fantastic job," Tamasar said.Davyn, which focuses on delivering Enterprise Resource Planning solutions to clients in T&T and across the English-speaking Caribbean, played an important role in developing a long-term solution for MDC-UM and with the implementation process.
"When I saw the news that the MDC-UM building was burning, my heart really went out to the owners and employees. That is a devastating setback. We were very happy to assist them with getting their business back up and running, and we look forward to many more years of partnership with MDC-UM," said Derrick Villeneuve, director of strategy at Davyn.
Among its features, Dynamics GP 2015 provides companies with a range of functionality geared to increasing operational efficiency which includes finance, supply chain management, human resource management, payroll, manufacturing, field service and analytics. In addition, it includes an expanded set of workflows that help streamline required business approvals which can be easily configured by customers to accelerate the approval process.