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Thursday, March 27, 2025

DirecTV adds first local channel



Di­recTV Trinidad has added lo­cal Chan­nel CNC3 as part of its chan­nel line­up on Chan­nel 131. This marks a mile­stone for the com­pa­ny, bridg­ing the gap be­tween in­ter­na­tion­al and lo­cal con­tent, of­fer­ing a more com­pre­hen­sive en­ter­tain­ment ex­pe­ri­ence to sub­scribers.

CNC3 is now avail­able to more than 40,000 Di­recTV post­paid and pre­paid cus­tomers through­out the coun­try. CNC3's Nicholas Sab­ga ex­pressed his en­thu­si­asm on this new part­ner­ship, say­ing: "CNC3 is pleased to be di­rect­ly on the Di­recTV plat­form. It of­fers view­ers an easy way of ac­cess­ing our con­tent. We are ex­treme­ly pleased by the ac­tions tak­en by Di­recTV to have this done as it will strength­en both lo­cal com­pa­nies' po­si­tion as the de­mand for high qual­i­ty lo­cal con­tent con­tin­ues to grow."

Di­recTV gen­er­al man­ag­er, Bernard Pan­tin added: "Di­recTV is very proud of mak­ing this hap­pen. This em­pha­sizes Di­recTV's com­mit­ment to Trinidad and To­ba­go and the wider Caribbean, and has been made pos­si­ble by the ex­pan­sion of avail­able satel­lite ca­pac­i­ty. We now en­ter our 20th year of op­er­a­tion bet­ter than ever be­fore.

"This rep­re­sents the first phase of ex­pand­ing the reach of lo­cal chan­nels to the wider Caribbean and we look for­ward to work­ing with CNC3 in the com­ing months to achieve same."

Cus­tomers will be able to use their pause live, rewind and record fea­tures on CNC3 con­tent.

For more in­for­ma­tion on Di­recTV and to find CNC3 on their TV guide, vis­it www.di­rectv­

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