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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Massy Stores opens in Guyana



On March 17, Massy Stores opened its first su­per­mar­ket in Guyana. The re­gion­al su­per­mar­ket chain, which cur­rent­ly op­er­ates 45 re­tail lo­ca­tions in T&T, Bar­ba­dos, St Lu­cia and St Vin­cent, has now ex­tend­ed its of­fer­ing in­to the Guyana mar­ket, its 46th lo­ca­tion, to serve con­sumers.

Massy Stores Guyana is lo­cat­ed in Ama­zo­nia Mall, East Bank, De­mer­ara and of­fers the con­ve­nience of one-stop shop­ping with­in its 16,000 square feet of re­tail space, mak­ing it the largest su­per­mar­ket in the coun­try. The new lo­ca­tion in­cludes fea­tures such as high-qual­i­ty fresh pro­duce, chilled and frozen meat, pre­pared foods and a wide va­ri­ety of lo­cal and for­eign food and gen­er­al mer­chan­dise items.

Ad­di­tion­al­ly, the Massy Stores Su­per­mar­ket of­fers a num­ber of con­ve­nient, val­ue-added ser­vices in­clud­ing a deli and bak­ery, butch­er and fresh fish coun­ters, an in-store phar­ma­cy, ATM ma­chines, Mon­ey­Gram and Sure­Pay points of ser­vice.

The store's in­ter­na­tion­al de­sign, which in­cor­po­rates wide aisles to com­fort­ably ac­com­mo­date shop­pers, and au­to­mat­ed in-store price check­ers, is al­so com­ple­ment­ed by ex­ten­sive park­ing fa­cil­i­ties to en­hance the over­all shop­ping ex­pe­ri­ence.

"Massy Stores is tru­ly ex­cit­ed about open­ing our doors in the Guyana mar­ket. We are a Caribbean chain and we be­lieve that be­ing in the Guyana mar­ket gives us an op­por­tu­ni­ty to be more au­then­ti­cal­ly Caribbean, as we bring on board 120 Guyanese as­so­ciates to cre­ate some­thing new for this mar­ket. This is about bring­ing a new shop­ping ex­pe­ri­ence to Guyanese con­sumers and shar­ing our best prac­tis­es and best mod­els across Caribbean ter­ri­to­ries," said Thomas Pan­tin, se­nior vice pres­i­dent and ex­ec­u­tive chair­man, Re­tail Line of Busi­ness, Massy Group.

"We have con­tin­ued to in­cor­po­rate best prac­tis­es in the con­struc­tion of our sec­ond store, al­ready in progress, at the East Coast Movi­eTowne com­plex, which is sched­uled to open in 2017," he added.

Deo Per­saud, coun­try man­ag­er, Massy Guyana, added: "Massy has been op­er­at­ing in Guyana for the past 48 years and our mod­el has been pri­mar­i­ly busi­ness to busi­ness, as we have been op­er­at­ing in the in­dus­tri­al and LPG gas­es, au­to­mo­tive and in­dus­tri­al equip­ment, dis­tri­b­u­tion, se­cu­ri­ty ser­vices and IT in­dus­tries lo­cal­ly.

Now, we are re­al­ly mov­ing in­to a new space, op­er­at­ing in re­tail and serv­ing a wider cus­tomer base which is a new and ex­cit­ing busi­ness for us. We al­so have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to work close­ly with lo­cal sup­pli­ers and lo­cal pro­duc­ers so that our con­sumers can find a wide va­ri­ety of high-qual­i­ty, lo­cal items in one lo­ca­tion."

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