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Friday, March 14, 2025

Carnival Catwalk celebrates T&T


61 days ago

The Car­ni­val Cat­walk red car­pet pre­mier event show­cased the tal­ent, her­itage and in­no­va­tion of the best of T&T’s cre­ative in­dus­try at Na­tion­al Acad­e­my for the Per­form­ing Arts on Wednes­day night. The show, pro­duced by Jerome ‘Rome’ Pre­cil­la of Itz Rome En­ter­tain­ment, Rod­ney Seemu­n­gal of SGP Stu­dios and Gi­an Fran­co of Pavil­ion En­ter­tain­ment, cel­e­brat­ed the in­ter­sec­tion of cul­ture and cre­ativ­i­ty. Spe­cial­ly in­vit­ed guests from gov­ern­ment, the pri­vate sec­tor and the cre­ative in­dus­tries, ar­riv­ing at the venue got to strut the red car­pet greet­ed by Kaiokah Moko-Jumbies be­fore en­ter­ing the Lord Kitch­en­er Au­di­to­ri­um which was a melt­ing pot of Hol­ly­wood meets Car­ni­val. Pho­tos by Roger Ja­cob

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