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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Heritage destroys derelict tank


Joel Julien
1317 days ago
Petrotrin Tank Farm.

Petrotrin Tank Farm.


Crude oil stor­age tank #4 at the Ga­le­o­ta Tank Farm, Guayagua­yare will be de­com­mis­sioned and dis­man­tled from Mon­day, Her­itage Pe­tro­le­um Co Ltd has stat­ed.

Tank #4 is an out-of-ser­vice tank, with a ca­pac­i­ty of 60,000 bar­rels.

The de­com­mis­sion­ing project is ex­pect­ed to last 66 con­tin­u­ous work­ing days.

Work is sched­uled to take place Mon­day to Fri­day from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Her­itage said no traf­fic dis­rup­tions are ex­pect­ed to oc­cur as a re­sult of the project.

The En­vi­ron­men­tal Man­age­ment Au­thor­i­ty (EMA) has is­sued Cer­tifi­cate of En­vi­ron­men­tal Clear­ance (CEC) 6125/2020 which gov­erns and man­ages the en­vi­ron­men­tal im­pact of the project.

Her­itage stat­ed that the trans­porta­tion of waste will be con­duct­ed along Isth­nus Road, Guayagua­yare Road, Na­pari­ma Ma­yaro Road through San Fer­nan­do to a waste fa­cil­i­ty in La Brea.

“Trans­porta­tion of all waste from the site in­clu­sive of basal sed­i­ments and met­al sheets will be man­aged by a Jour­ney Man­age­ment Plan. The Jour­ney Man­age­ment Plan will en­sure that no basal sed­i­ments or wa­ter leaks or spills on­to the road­way and sur­round­ing en­vi­ron­ment or the load be­comes un­se­cured from the ve­hi­cle dur­ing trans­porta­tion. Emer­gency re­sponse pro­ce­dures for re­sponse and cleanup shall be im­me­di­ate­ly ini­ti­at­ed in the event that any spills oc­cur,” Her­itage stat­ed.

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