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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

KFC opens 60th restaurant in most penetrated market


1337 days ago
Staff outside the newest KFC restaurant at Xtra Plaza, Sangre Grande. The restaurant was opened yesterday

Staff outside the newest KFC restaurant at Xtra Plaza, Sangre Grande. The restaurant was opened yesterday

KFC Social Media

Af­ter an un­planned de­lay of more than two months, Pres­tige Hold­ings fi­nal­ly had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to open its 60th Ken­tucky Fried Chick­en restau­rant at Xtra Plaza, Guia­co, San­gre Grande.

CEO Si­mon Hardy said the restau­rant was set to be open in April, but Prime Min­is­ter Dr. Kei­th Row­ley’s an­nounce­ment that restau­rants would be shut down as a COVID-19 pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sure put the launch on pause.

“This store was ac­tu­al­ly planned to open be­fore the shut down. We were about two days from open­ing it when we had the sur­prise shut down at the end of April,” said Hardy, who ex­pect­ed the new restau­rant to be a suc­cess giv­en the brand’s pop­u­lar­i­ty over the years.

“KFC is a very strong brand in Trinidad and To­ba­go and it has been here over 45 years now,” said Hardy.

KFC in a so­cial me­dia state­ment on the open­ing of the restau­rant, al­so not­ed that the suc­cess of brand in Trinidad and To­ba­go.

“Ex­pand­ing op­er­a­tions cre­ates even more ca­reer op­por­tu­ni­ties in the fast food in­dus­try and shows the con­fi­dence the brand has in the lo­cal econ­o­my. This open­ing re­in­forces KFC Trinidad & To­ba­go as the world’s most pen­e­trat­ed KFC mar­ket,” the restau­rant chain said in the re­lease.

De­spite their pop­u­lar­i­ty Hardy said there were no plans to open an­oth­er KFC restau­rant this year.

“We have no plans to open any new KFC  out­lets this year in terms of de­vel­op­ment. Ob­vi­ous­ly if de­vel­op­ments come on board, if it makes sense, we will con­tin­ue and mon­i­tor,” said Hardy, who how­ev­er not­ed that that an­oth­er pop­u­lar fran­chise un­der the Pres­tige um­brel­la - Star­bucks - would see ex­pan­sion.

“ Across our oth­er brands apart from KFC, Star­bucks is al­so adding stores. We added an­oth­er one in Gulf View in Feb­ru­ary and next month we ex­pect to open one in Shops of Trinci­ty,” said Hardy, who al­so ex­plained that plans for a Grand Bazaar branch was al­so be­ing con­sid­ered.

KFC ac­knowl­edged that pa­trons will not be able to dine in at the “a sleek new mod­ern “R.E.D.” de­sign” of the new restau­rant but “ pa­trons of this restau­rant can ex­pect the same de­li­cious, mouth­wa­ter­ing chick­en via take­away, dri­ve-thru, curb­side pick­up, home de­liv­ery by call­ing or or­der­ing in the app.”

The restau­rant chain con­tin­ued, “The man­age­ment and staff of KFC re­minds the pub­lic that Covid-19 pro­to­cols are be­ing ad­hered to at this as well as all lo­ca­tions na­tion­wide and we wish to thank all our loy­al cus­tomers for their pa­tron­age.” 

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