The Phoenix Park Industrial Estate is expected to host even more corporate tenants from the People's Republic of China quite soon, following a recent visit by an official delegation from the Jinan Municipal Government in China’s Shandong Province.
The Jinan Municipal Government Delegation, which comprised 10 senior government officials, visited this country during April 21-23, 2023.
Investment promotion agency, InvesTT, reports in a release that the delegation sees Trinidad and Tobago “as solid ground for trade and investment and specifically identified the tenanting of e TecK’s Phoenix Park Industrial Estate as high on their agenda for collaboration between the two countries.”
Already, some four Chinese tenants have committed to setting up operations there. The Estate is 95% completed. It is the first Caribbean project to be undertaken under the parameters of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative via a Memorandum of Understanding signed by both countries in 2018.
“This is the 2nd Chinese delegation visit in the month of April, the first being from the Zhejiang Province,” reports InvesTT’s Vice President of Investor Services, Stacy Adams.
“The visits were made possible through weekly virtual collaboration with our Trinidad and Tobago Embassy in Beijing and the marketing arm of the Beijing Construction Engineering Group, as we aim to fulfil our mandate to tenant the Estate with at least 10 Chinese companies,” Adams explained. “We currently have four committed tenants from China.”
On Friday, April 21, the Delegation met with Minister of Trade and Industry, Senator Paula Gopee-Scoon, and top executives from InvesTT and ExporTT.
During the discussions, the Head of the Delegation, Chen Baiwei—who is Deputy Director-General at the Foreign Affairs Office of the Shandong Provincial People’s Government—outlined the group’s interest in promoting eTecK’s Phoenix Park Industrial Estate to encourage Chinese companies to establish their operations there.
Minister Gopee-Scoon shared Government’s plans for diversification with a heavy focus on manufacturing and maritime industries. She also invited Chinese co-operation in agri-investment, food production, “smart agriculture” and a seed variety programme.
Ms. Baiwei indicated her openness for collaboration in the area of agri-investment, noting that Shandong Province is seen as the “basket of China”, because most of the country’s agricultural output originates there.
Also discussed at the meeting were plans for creating a China-Caribbean Development Centre to provide Chinese companies with information on Caribbean trade and investment destinations, as well as the development of cultural connection programs between China and Trinidad and Tobago.
In addition, an invitation was extended to visit the Ocean Decade Cooperation Centre as the Shandong Provincial Government recently unveiled their development plans and business models for modern marine industries. An invitation also was extended for T&T youths to participate in the Global Youth Conference taking place in July 2023.
Officials from InvesTT and eTecK hosted the Shandong Province delegation to a tour of Phoenix Park, on Saturday, April 22.
“The group was excited to see that the Estate is 95% completed and with one of their own nationals, Summit Luggage, first in the process of setting up their manufacturing equipment in one of the completed factory shells,” InvesTT reports in its release on the visit.
Shandong is one of China’s top manufacturing provinces and also has a focus on investment cooperation in overseas projects in housing, education, construction and power generation.
Members of the delegation included senior representatives from:
● Foreign Affairs Office of the Jinan Municipal People’s Government
● Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism
● Department of Commerce of Shandong Province
● Shandong Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
● Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the Jinan Municipal People’s Government
● Cooperation and Exchange Bureau of Administration of Jinan Area of China Pilot Free Trade Zone
● University of Jinan
● Shandong Hi-Speed Group Co. Ltd.
● Shandong International Economic and Technical Cooperation Group Ltd.