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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Scotia Implements Additional Safety Measures


1788 days ago
Customers wait in line outside the Scotiabank in Tunapuna, yesterday.

Customers wait in line outside the Scotiabank in Tunapuna, yesterday.


Sco­tia­bank has an­nounced that it has im­ple­ment­ed ad­di­tion­al mea­sures at its branch­es to help keep cus­tomers and em­ploy­ees safe.

In a re­lease, the bank in­di­cat­ed it had im­ple­ment­ed cus­tomer in­ter­ac­tion coun­ters equipped with trans­par­ent pan­els.

Ac­cord­ing to Sco­tia­bank, trans­par­ent pan­els have been in­stalled at the counter spaces to help pro­vide a safe bar­ri­er while you are con­duct­ing your trans­ac­tions.

The in­sti­tu­tion ex­pressed that bank­ing is a crit­i­cal ser­vice at all times and re­mains an es­sen­tial ser­vice dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and there­fore, en­sur­ing cus­tomers con­tin­ue to have ac­cess to their fi­nances is im­por­tant.

The bank not­ed that it will con­tin­ue to im­ple­ment mea­sures to help keep its cus­tomers and em­ploy­ees safe.

Ac­cord­ing to Sco­tia last week it re­duced bank­ing hours as well as the num­ber of branch­es and has now im­ple­ment­ed new mea­sures with­in these branch­es to help keep its cus­tomers and em­ploy­ees pro­tect­ed.

Savon Per­sad, Vice Pres­i­dent of Re­tail & Busi­ness Bank­ing ar­tic­u­lat­ed: “We want to help our cus­tomers who need to come in­to the branch­es feel safe when they do.”

Per­sad con­tin­ued: “Keep­ing them and our em­ploy­ees pro­tect­ed re­mains a pri­or­i­ty as we con­tin­ue to man­age the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. We thank them for their pa­tience and un­der­stand­ing as we mod­i­fy op­er­a­tions to re­duce the pos­si­bil­i­ty of trans­mis­sion of the virus.”

The trans­par­ent pan­els have al­ready been in­stalled at the fol­low­ing branch­es: Cou­va, Diego Mar­tin, Pe­nal, Port of Spain (In­de­pen­dence Square), Sco­tia Cen­tre, San Fer­nan­do (High Street) and Tu­na­puna.

The bank said that be the week’s end, Ch­agua­nas, Mara­bel­la, Mar­aval, Price Plaza, San­gre Grande will al­so be equipped with the pan­els.

Sco­tia­bank al­so re­mind­ed cus­tomers that it has re­duced the type of trans­ac­tions that can be done in per­son at branch­es, which are cash de­posits (over $10,000), cash with­drawals (over $ 5,000), wire trans­fers, fast de­posits, lim­it­ed loan ser­vices and pur­chase of drafts.

The bank re­marked: “If you must vis­it the branch, we ask that cus­tomers please do so af­ter 9 am at non-mall branch­es and af­ter 11 am at mall branch­es as we have re­served the first hour for as­sist­ing the el­der­ly and dif­fer­ent­ly-abled.”

The bank­ing in­sti­tu­tion en­cour­aged cus­tomers to con­tin­ue to bank at home as they can do most of their bank­ing us­ing on­line, mo­bile or any ATM, 24/7.

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